Chapter 3: Lost Souls

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A/N: Hi everyone! Oh dear I've been so so busy today trying to write three stories in one day is quite challenging but 2/3 done already. I hope you will enjoy this chapter and I already apologize about the grammar mistakes there might be alot of them. Special thanks for my favourite trio FangirlsandFandoms, mychemicalrainbows and LydiaStilinski-9. With love, Arisa.

Allison's POV:

I felt my breathing get rabid as Lydia was nowhere to be seen. I started to walk around the entrance hall searching for her panic raising highest and highest inside of me. What if her father had somehow tracked us down and was now taking Lydia into somewhere to hide her and beat her to death? I groaned in frustration and felt so damn helpless. Then I heard a click of a bathroom door look and saw my strawberry blonde best friend enter the entrance hall. She smiled at me softly and was about to say something but I didn't let her finish since I ran to her and took her into a tight hug.

"Don't do that like ever again." I firmly whispered into her ear.
"I'm sorry I didn't think about it..." she said obviously understanding how worried I had been for her.
"It's okay." I breathed out and let go of her. "Let's just head back to you house. Enough of hospitals for one day." I said now giving her a small smile.
"I love you for saying that." she said smiling back at me.
"Did you get everything Melissa ordered?" I asked.
"Yes everything in here." she told while showing me a bag in her hand.

When we reached the car I realized something important. We still needed to inform the other pack. So I pulled out my phone and tested everyone on our group chat to meet us at Lydia's home in twenty minutes.

"Who are you messaging?" Lydia asked.
"I sent a group chat message to the pack to meet us in twenty minutes at your place. We need to tell them Lydia. We only have two days left." I said firmly.
"But... *sigh* I suppouse you're right. I just wish we would have another way to handle this..." Lydia said looking at me with un usually nervous impression.
"Don't worry about it Lyds nothing will change. The pack will care you just like before. If not that then even more than before. I know we all want to protect our banshee." I told her smiling at her.
"What if the banshee doesn't want to be treated like a five year old and wants to save her own ass..." I heard her mumble and just chuckled. Lydia would always be Lydia.
"Well maybe the banshee should let her sassiness go for awhile and let us help?" I asked raising my other eyebrow playfully.
"But... *sigh* Just this time. But this raised the hate towards you Mrs. Argent." she mumbled and slided in to the car.

When we arrived at Lydia's home the whole pack was already there.

"What took you guys so long?" Stiles wondered inpatient.
"What do you mean? You guys are the one who are early like 10 minutes." I just said.
"But you said it was emergency and that we should meet in two minutes?" Malia said looking at us questioningly.
"Oh sh*t sorry guys I must have forgotten to ad the zero behind it. I meant 20 minutes." I said causing everyone to groan and Lydia to chuckle.

"So why are we here? What's the emergency?" Derek asked looking kind of pissed of.

I looked at Lydia asking for permission. She looked away from me and hesistantly noded. So I told everything to the pack and could hear some gasps throughout my explanation. After I finished everyone just stared at Lydia and me in shock.

"Lydia. I can smell your fear so just know there is no reason to be afraid of anything. We are your pack your real family. We will help you okay?" Scott told and pulled Lydia into hug.

Soon everyone else walked to Lydia too and we pulled her into tight group hug. Even Derek hugged her and it made me so happy that everyone cared about her this much.

"So I think I might have a plan." Malia told us proudly after the hug ended.

She told us all the details of her plan so far and we all accepted it. Her plan started by us telling sheriff Stilinski about this. Then on monday when Lydia's parents would come back we would be waiting in the house and catch him with the help of police. The plan actually sounded very good and realistic and I was so happy we finally had a solution. Everyone headed back to their homes since it was lunch time.

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