Chapter 7: There For You Always

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A/N: Hello guys may I present you the last chapter of Silent Scream! I know I said earlier I would make this story a longer one but I really don't want to make the same themes play over and over again so I decided it was time to end this one. Thank you so much for all your support it means so much! Special thanks for my best ever LGBTQ squad and LydiaStilinski-9. ❤️ With love, Arisa. P.S gonna start a new story tommorow ;3

Allison's POV:

I sighed. I was just an a idiot for shouting at her like that! She doesn't even have a place to go at the moment. And I truly knew she would never cheat on me. And I also knew Malia would never either cheat on Stiles. And I also knew that Malia and Lydia had grown close friends but that doesn't prove anything. There must be a good reason for alm of this and I was determined to find out. So I put on my jacket and walked out of the house. I didn't have to walk too far away when I already noticed Lydia sitting on the pavement soaked all wet and sobbing. It broke my heart to see my girlfriend like that and even more when I knew I was the reason for all that. I walked next to her and sat down. She turned to look at me and her eyes widened. She tried to ran away but I took her arm and pulled her back down.

"I'm sorry Lydia. So sorry." I said as I pulled her into a tight hug.
"I-It's okay... I-I just really don't know anything a-about those messages..." Lydia sobbed out.
"Oh baby I'm an idiot for not listening to you and yes I know you don't. I just got really scared I would lose you." I told her as I ran my hand through her wet hair.
"I know..." she whispered and burried into my chest.
"But we'll find out who did this to us. Someone must want us to break up. Do you have anyone in mind?" I asked her.
"Hmm... Well Scott and Kira are head over heels for each other so I don't think Scott would be jealous. Besides he was so supportive for us. And Stiles and Malia are in love too and about the picture of me and Malia kissing. It actually is not fake. Someone pushed me today at school and I fell onto her and as she was catching me we accidentally kissed." she explained blushing at the memory.
"Oh I see. Don't sweat about it though it's okay." I told her gently.
"Thanks. So does anyone come into your mind?" she asked me this time.
"Well Isaac and Liam are there of course but I don't think neither of them would've want us to break up. Besides we shouldn't be questioning anyone in our pack." I said.
"Hmm... You're right. Let's see then someone out of our pack... Oh my god! It must've been Jackson!" Lydia suddenly said.
"Yes you're probaply right!" I said excited that we had a suspect.
"And he's exactly the jealous type, though I thought he was totally over me already..." Lydia said wondering out loud.
"I don't think it would be possible to get over you babe." I smirked at her.
"Hahah thanks babe." she said kissing my nose.
"So will you ask the pack to help you figure things out tommorow?" I asked her hopefully since I still had to stay at home 'till this week ended.
"Sure. But let's go back inside now. It's freezing out here and I don't want either of us to get sick." she said and stood up helping me up too.

We ran inside laughing at how ridicilous we must've looked like just sitting there all emotional.

Lydia's POV:

We cuddled together into our bed and fell asleep happy that everything was okay again between us. I woke up once at night only to find Allison gone. I got very worried and started to look for the brunette. I walked in the upstairs hall trying to find my way in the dark. I walked with one hand infront of me and suddenly felt it to press on something hard and hairy (XD). I jumped backwards and yelped.

"Lydia?" asked sleepy Chris.
"Sorry Mr. Argent." I said and was glad he couldn't saw me blushing.
"Just call me Chris. And you should go to bed it's late." he mumbled half asleep and walked away to his bedroom from the bathroom.
"Allison?" I called out quietly.
"Right here!" came the reply from downstairs.

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