Chapter 5: I Will Catch You

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A/N: Hi guys chapter 5 is here! I'll probaply try to make this story a little bit longer than my others. Thank you for your support lovelies and special thanks for these three: mychemicalrainbows, FangirlsandFandoms and LydiaStilinski-9. (I swear to god next time I'll just dedicate whole stories for you guys XD). With love, Arisa.

Allison's POV:

I jumped protectively infront of Lydia and covered her behind me. I saw the gang trying to enter the room but that bastard had locked the door. Everyone stanted behind the window trying to break it. I had to focus back on Lydia's father who was staggering towards us with my arrow still on his back. What even was this man? I suppouse he was the real monster. Werewolves, kitsunes, banshees all of us weren't't monsters. But he, a normal man, he was. I stared straight into his eyes anger flamingo in both of eyes. This time I would make sure to kill him. I tried to take my arrow from my back but noticed Inhad left my bow and arrows outside the room. Sh*t! Lydia's father was coming closer and closer and he breathed heavily making the smell of alcohol cover the whole room. I turned to check on Lydia and my brave banshee looked everyhting but brave. I gave her a gentle smile trying to comfort her and she gave me back a weak one.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab my wrist and I was pulled forward with so much force I slammed to the wall. I hissed in pain and turned ready to strike back but was greeted by a wrist straight to my face. The hit was so strong that I stumbled backwards to the wall again and said to the floor. I couldn't even imagine how Lydia had felt while that monster had heated her. He had been clever enough to not hit her on face though. But that didn't made it any better. I looked at the window and saw the whole gang jumping against it but it wouldn't broke since it was one of those safety glasses. After I had recovered enough from the strike I saw in my horror how Lydia's father was walking to Lydia. Lydia tried to crawl away but she was still weak and she had big bandage on her chest since her ribcace had damaged. Her eyes were wide in fear and shock. I raised up and forgot my pain. I had an idea. I ran towards him and jumped on his back pulling my arrow out from him. He screamed in pain but it didn't make me even flinch. I felt nothing towards him. Expect a huge amount of anger. I waited till he turned to face me and avoided his wrist. I stapped my arrow straight into his chest hoping it hit his heart. He tried to catch his breath desperately but soon fell to the floor. Just after he had hitted the floor a huge smash was heard and pieces of glass fell everywhere. I covered Lydia and felt sharp pain in my back.

"Oh my god we're so sorry that we couldn't come to help!" Scott said in shock.
"Allison you're bleeding!" Melissa said worriedly noticing the glass pieces in my back.

I didn't have time to answer anything until everything went black.

I opened my eyes and felt pulsating pain in my head. Memories flew back to my mind and I was about to rose up and ran to Lydia when I felt someone holding me down.

"Rest. She's okay. In shock but okay. You need to rest now Allison." Melissa told me firmly but gently.
"But I-" I tried to say.
"No. You need to rest." Melissa just said.
"Fine." I huffed.
"Hey you're awake!" I heard Stiles say happily as the passed my room's door.
"Yeah." I just said trying to smile.
"Is everything okay?" Kira asked worried.
"I'm just worried about Lydia." I confessed.
"Don't worry about her. We just visited her. She was worried about you too." Malia told and gave me a smirk.
"She actually asked us to come check on you like every five minutes." Scott laughed.
"What you're kidding right? Not my oh so sassy miss independent banshee?" I asked raising my eyebrows playfully causing everyone to laugh.
"Even the most stubborn people are weak when something happens to the one's they love." Derek said quietly and gave me a small smile.
"Yeah." I said and smiled back.

After two hours, which by the way were my life's longer one's, I finally got permission to go meet Lydia. We were on adjacent rooms so the trip wasn't long. I entered her room to find her fallen asleep. She must've been tired. I decided not to wake her up and just took a chair next to her bed and sat down admiring her beauty. She looked peaceful but I could see dried tears on her cheeks which made my hear broke. I gently took her hand into mine careful not to wake her up. I soon felt my own eyes get heavy and laid my head to Lydia's bed falling asleep.

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