Chapter 6: How Could You?

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A/N: Hello lovelies! Thanks for your support, Silent Scream has over 100 views already that is so big number for me thank you so much! This chapter will include some drama and some misunderstandings so prepare for that. Special thanks for these three: FangirlsandFandoms (for giving me the idea about how Allison would block the attack ^^), mychemicalrainbows and LydiaStilinski-9. With love, Arisa.

Allison's POV:

"I'm here to safe my best friend." I had firmly told to Scott and he had noded.

It had been a week now since Lydia had got out of the hospital. And just one day since I had said those words and we had got our Stiles back. The nogitsune thing had finally ended and everything seemed to be back to normal. I had almost died there last night but thankfully I had managed to block that katana just in time. I still remembered clearly Lydia's scream. It had send so many chills through my back. For awhile she had thought she would lost me but I was okay now. The pack had took me to the hospital and I had to stayed over night so today I would get to go home. Speaking of home, me and Lydia had talked to dad about everything that had happened and we also told him we were dating. He had been very supportive and Lydia had been so happy and thankful. And so had I. I got to live together with my girlfriend and we didn't have to worry about paying rent or anything! I was laying on my hospital bed waiting for Lydia to woke up too. She was resting in my arms and I kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and yawned and gave me a small smile. I smiled back at her and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Morning beautiful." I said softly and kissed her again.
"Morning to yourself gorgeus." she said smirking at me.
"Can't wait to get home today." I said and streched.
"Me neither. It feels like we basically live here nowadays!" she chuckled.
"I know right. And the hospital food..." I said and made a disgusted face.
"Don't even get started with it!" she said and made a puking expression.
"Uh are you guys okay?" we heard a familiar voice ask.
"Scott!" we said in unision and bursted into laughing.
"Okayyy... So mom asked me to give you some breakfast Allison and took you home with me Lydia." Scott told us and smiled at us.
"Thank you Scott. And take good care of Lydia." I told and winked at him causing him to chuckle.
"Of course." he said with a smile.
"And thank you for taking me." Lydia said.
"No problem." he said.
"Good bye kiss baby." I told before Lydia left.
"How could I ever forget." she smirked and we kissed passionetly.
"Bye see you at home!" I shouted and waved.
"See you. Love you!" she shouted back.
"Love you too!" I said and with that they were gone.

I huffed. This would be a very long and boring day. Gladly Lydia had promised to call me at lunc break. I smiled at the thought and started to watch TV.

Lydia's POV:

Today at school I felt very weird. Like someone was keeping an eye on me. I tried to shook the thought out of my head but it followed me no matter what. It didn't go away even during the classes and the fact that Allison wasn't at school yet didn't made it any easier. Of course I would chat with the others in pack but I sure missed my huntress. When my third period ended it was lunch time. I was about to call Allison but noticed to my shock that my phone wasn't in my bag. I went back to the classroom and searched everywhere but it was nowhere to be seen. Next I tried to look for it at the corridors and halls but still nothing. Finally I spotted the pack and rushed over to them. Everyone turned and waved at me.

"Have you guys seen my phone?" I asked them kinda worried.
"At least I haven't since we didn't had any same classes today." Kira said.
"Yeah I don't think you used it at maths today." Malia told and gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Like don't ask me my school day just started." Stiles said raising his hands up.
"I think I saw it at your bag on last period. Why?" Scott asked looking surprised.
"I have either lost it or someone has taken it from me." I told them looking kinda sad.

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