The History

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Not much is actually known about life and death as their records where hidden away long ago from mortals. The Worry of mortals, specifically humans, finding ways to access the heavens and underworld became to big a worry so they say the two scrolls, one explaining the gateways and location of the tree of life, which would grant eternity to any who so eat of its fruit, as for the last scroll it's filled with nothing but the twisted words of death himself.
But their was a another, a journal that held many secrets of life and death, a journal that looked so ordinary, so plain, that no one would believe it held the secrets shared with mortals from the god of life himself. The one who had the blessing to record his discoveries became a long time friend of Life and was given the greatest gift of all...immortality.
After the journal was finished however Life realized the consequences that could be unleashed if the sacred information where to combine with the scroll of life and death. All three where scattered to opposite sides across the earth, for it was foretold that if a mortal found all three it could be the end of the very world. No one knows why it would be the end and hopefully no one will find out.
The music of the forest played calmly as birds, rivers, animals, and even the wind all seemed to work together to create a paradise for Dipper. Or should I say life. He was graced in a white gown, a white and blue flower crown laid atop his head, the aura surrounding him seemed to spread his content and happiness all through the forest as he sat on the grass admiring his work.
"This is nice, huh Mabel." Dipper called to another figure watching in the distance.
Mabel was a being that lived for one purpose, to keep balance. She knew it was against her vow to pick sides but she preferred Staying with Dipper, then that being know as Bill Cipher, or Death as he's mostly commonly known.
"Yes quite." Mabel said in a formal way, she wasn't made to grow attached to either of them she simply enjoyed the socialization. Although she did have a few friends, two tree nymphs know as Candy and Grenda. And she even had a friend in the underworld, a demon pig she called waddles, you know for a demon he wasn't so bad.
"Oh Mabel watch this." Dipper exclaimed happily as he waved his hand and a bush miraculously grew beautiful multicolored flowers.
"Oh life that's beautiful." Mabel complemented.
"You know it's okay for you to call me Dipper, calling me Life seems a bit formal for just the two of us."
"I prefer calling you what you are and that is Life." Mabel said, she wasn't trying to be rude she just knew if she called him anything but life she'd no doubt get attached and in the time that the world needed order she would pick dip-, life over death.
"Alright what ever floats you boat." Dipper said as he grew a few more flowers.
(Kinda gory but not to bad)
The deafening sound of nothingness filled the underworld as Bill sat on his chair waiting patiently for his next appointment. Suddenly as if on cue he was summoned to the outskirts of an old rundown village most know for there famous witch hunts and burnings. He stood by a tree where a body hung, birds of prey where flocking, the man was barely conscious as he clawed weakly at the air.
"Hmmm." Bill took out his record book.
"James Cameron death by," Bill smirked "Suffocation, while the bonus of being eaten alive." He said enjoying this a little too much.
That's when the stomach churning scene unfolded as the large bloodthirsty birds flocked to his body pecking at him limbs creating small holes that dripped with blood. Bill smirked at the gory sight.
"Your not gonna die for another 3 minutes so I should tell you something." Bill said as he teleported to the branch where the mans nous was tied. "My good friend 'Life' made you, just so you could die this horrific way, isn't that great, your very creator practically sending you to your slaughter" Bill laughed darkly as a scythe formed in his hand, triangles marked the weapon and and eye marked the middle of the blade. "Looks like the funs ending to fast, again." Bill stated as the birds mangled the man to an almost unrecognizable state, his face dripping with blood and torn skin. As horrible as the scene was though he wouldn't die till Bill or another demon took his soul, so he was very much alive and feeling every peck, and scratch as the birds continued to maul him.
"Well nice talking to you "friend"." Bill said as he brought his scythe across the mans disfigured chest. The man gave one last gasp before falling limp against the tree.
You see now, life and death where very different beings one lives for life and joy while the other survives only for the death and misery of others. But this story won't be about how different they are no this story is about how Life and Death came to became
forbidden lovers....

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