Chapter 4

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Well this day has just been one tragedy after another, keeping me fairly busy. A earthquake hit a few villages which left a large death toll, which is a pain to deal with. But what's even more of a tragedy is that I haven't been able to visit Pinetree in a few months, and not that I care but Shooting star hasn't visited me at all since a few months ago. All in all its been really boring, just the same old thing over and over like a wheel eternally spinning until it reaches a bump in the road, a short period of a surprise till back on the track again...
"Why did I get stuck doing this job. I mean it ms fun and all but geez does it get old fast." I asked a human that was crushed under a heavy piece of plywood.
"I know you can't respond but talking to someone helps me think." I said as I balanced on my scythe.
He tried to say something but it came out as a gurgle as the blood filled his lungs and throat.
"Well this was a nice chat." I jumped of my scythe and collected his soul In one swift motion of my weapon.
"Well time for the next one." Looking off in the distance of utter devastation ahead of me where fires raged endlessly and screams could be heard for miles.
Mabel has been spending a lot more time with me then usual, normally shed spend a few weeks with me and her friends and then check on Bill but she hasn't left since she returned his locket.
"Hey Mabel are you going to go visit Bill soon?" She looked over from where she was sitting along with her friends Candy and Grenda.
"Nah I've been thinking I'd just hang out with you since Bills kinda...well you know."
"Yeah I guess...but do you think that maybe you could deliver something to him?" Bill was lucky enough to have teleportation I'm not so lucky, their wouldn't be anyway I could go see him let alone with Mabel on watch 24/7.
"What is it?" She excused her self from her friends and walked over.
"Just a small thing I made for him." I really felt bad for how I acted and now that mabel isn't gonna be consistent with visiting it's very easy to get depressed, although now that I think about it does death even get depressed? Well either way I wanted to give him something as both an apology and a companion.
"Dipper you do realize that 'Bill' isn't like you, he doesn't feel anything for anyone and this gift will mean nothing to him."
"Wow Mabel when did you get so cold." I joked although it was a bit shocking at her behavior.
"I just don't think it's a good idea to give him anything that could cause a miscommunication between you to."
"Come on Mabel please, I can't stop thinking about how rudely I acted. Please Mabel."
She contemplated it for a few minutes leaving me on pins and needles until she finally agreed.
"Alright fine but you owe me for this." Mabel took the small package and opened a pink portal.
"Alright thank you Mabel."
"Sure thing." Mabel replied as she stepped threw the portal.
That went better then expected.
I was just about done with the first town of devastation when a pink glint caught my attention, finally I can get a more "lively" conversation.
"Hello again shooting star, you still mad at me."
"Shut it Death I'm just here with a gift from life." Wow she's sure in a bad mood.
"Really Life made me a gift, how unexpected." Honestly I was really curious why life decided to give me a gift, I mean after his little outrage I would think he wouldn't want anything else to do with me.
Mabel tossed a box over and I caught it.
"Don't think anything about it death, Life's only being nice to you since he pity's you."
"Aw how kind of him." I could tell Mabel was hiding the truth so I just played along.
Mabel made another portal back to Dipper, "oh and don't forget about what I said a few months ago." Mabel added before she disappeared through the portal.
"sure thing shooting star, sure thing." Looking back down at the gift I decided I should open it.
Surprisingly nothing was in this box but a small letter.

Meet me in my territory tomorrow after midnight I have to talk to you and I know Mabel wouldn't allow me to do this but I will handle that just please come.

"I guess life also has a devious side." Setting the letter aflame I sent it to the underworld.

See you tomorrow Pinetree~

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