(Bonus) The unused Chapter 7

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(Decided I should post this chapter so all this writing doesn't go to waste, just know this doesn't change anything it's just a scraped chapter I want to share)

"How dare he do this!" Pacing back and fourth I let anger take over and the small amount of nature withered. After my recent discovery I teleported near the shack to ponder my next move.
"How dare he hurt my Pinetree! I'm going to destroy him and make sure no one will remember his name!" After a few more minutes of raw rage I managed to calm down a bit I headed back to the shack.
"I'm back." I called out.
"Welcome back!" I heard dipper call back from the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen I noticed Dipper holding something over the stove.
"Whatcha cooking?"
"Eggs, I think." Dipper replied as he moved the pan to show off some scrambled eggs.
'Well at least he knows how to cook.'
"So I'm guessing your hungry?"
"Yeah, I was gonna wait till you got back but I didn't know when so I decided I should get something."
"That's fine, actually I'm surprised this dump would have food after all these years of neglecting. Hopefully we won't get food poisoning." I joked knowing neither of us could get such a mortal disease.
"Yeah that could be bad, do you think we shouldn't risk it?" He replied innocently unaware of what was going on.
"No I'm sure it's fine."
"Well okay if that's the case then I think their done."
"Okay, I'll go find some plates." I replied as I went throw the cabinets trying to find at least one dish to no luck. Sighing I conjured up two plates with my magic and set them on the table. Dipper scrapped the eggs off the pan onto the plates and we both sat down to eat.
Being immortal We didn't need to eat but since Dipper had the odd delusion we where human we both are the meal, I was a bit hesitant for Dipper to eat it since He has always been a vegetarian when it came to eating anything.
"So is it good?" He asked happily.
"Yeah..." I replied, it felt weird to eat something due to the fact its been a few decades since I've ingested anything.
He smiled at my response and cleaned up the plates after we where done. Through out the meal I noticed Dippers presence seemed off but I couldn't put my finger on why.
'Must just be the fact he ate meat.'
"So what do you want to do know Pinetree?"
"Oh it's just a little nickname I have for you."
"I see...then can I make a nickname for you?"
"Sure." 'This should be interesting.'
"Well I let you think about it for awhile for now what do you want to do."
"What can we do?"
"I'm pretty sure the television still works, and I'm also sure there could be some board games we could play."
"Okay, can we watch the television then?" Dipper asked shyly.
"Sure." Taking Dippers hand we both walked into the living room and I sat Dipper down on the couch and went to mess with the Television, as to be expected of an old shack there wasn't any sign of it working. With a flick of my hand and some magic I got a network on.
"Their we go." Smiling I sat down next to dipper and grabbed the remote and began to channel surf. After a few minute of scrolling through mind numbing shows we finally decided on a documentary. Laying back on the couch I started to relax and have time to think, these types of shows weren't really my style but Dipper seemed interested so that's all that really matters. Closing my eyes I tried to focus on locating Gideon, but with no avail.
After a few minutes I felt something, or should I say someone, lay their back on me.
"What are you doing?" I chuckled as dipper laid his head on my chest still watching the program.
"I'm watching program with you, what else?" He asked as he looked up.
"Just Nevermind." I smiled as I went back to my thoughts but still enjoying the contact with Dipper. After about half way through the documentary I felt dippers breath slow as he drifted off to sleep.
"Typical Pinetree." Stroking his hair I still had no idea what in the world I could do to find Gideon, and what's gonna happen without dippers memories...

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