Chapter 3

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Before I start I just want to thank everyone who told me to continue it means a lot to know people like my story

It's been a week since he showed his face. Thankfully Mabel came back and I got to talk to her about it. For now everything seemed to go back to normal, thank the gods. Bill still hasn't shown up to pick up his soul necklace thing so I still have no idea what to do with that soul, I haven't told Mabel about it worried she would freak out or something. Looking over from where I was sitting I noticed Mabel was standing a few feet away leaning against a tree with her eyes closed. 'Maybe I should tell her..'
Walking over to the Locket I grabbed it and put it in my pocket.
"Hey Mabel can I ask you something?"
"Sure what is it?" She asked skipping over.
"Well it's about Bill."
"What about him."
"Well you know how he kinda um...showed up a week ago."
For a moment she seemed a bit angry but went back to her normal cheerful self again.
"Yeah. Did he do something?"
"Well yes and no he kinda..."
'Why is it so hard to just say he left the stupid locket.' Mentally I groaned.
"Well spit it out, what did he do?"
"He left his soul locket thingy."
"What do you mean he left it?"
'I can't tell her he gave it to me she would probably freak out and start a lecture about him and me being life and death or some nonsense like that.'
"Yeah I think he forgot it, he seemed to have a lot on his mind." 'Well I did it, I broke my lie free lifestyle...great.'
"Oh well I'll be sure to give it back." Taking out the locket I handed it to her.
'Maybe now I can stop thinking about Bill and get back to my duties.
"Well since I have a reason now to go visit Bill in his...home I better go. I'll be back once I'm done and maybe we could make flower crowns or something." She smiled and made a portal to the underworld.
She stepped through the portal and disappeared.
Once she was gone I couldn't help but fall back onto the grass, being an all power full being can be exhausting at times.
'I wonder how Bill deals with it, every
Minute something...passes away and he has to go each time and take its soul. I doubt he ever has time to just sit and relax meanwhile I'm here free to do what ever...'
The thoughts of last week filled my mind.
'I can't believe I didn't relieve it before.' Sitting up I contemplated my thoughts.
'He took time out of his outrageous schedule to spend at least a few seconds with me and I just got mad and literally kicked him out! He's death for crying out loud does he even have time to do that sort of thing?! Not to mention how he gave me a soul the one thing he came here to get, and I doubt he do that just to get me upset.'
His words echoed in the back of my skull.

"Alright, I'll go. But I really did want to do something nice for you."

'Something nice for me...'
"I'm such a weak idiot!" I shouted out to no one.
"He really was trying to be nice and I just shot him down. He's death my mortal enemy in nature yet he was trying to be my friend."
Due to my outburst of emotions the plants reacted negatively to the dark aura that floated in the air,Looking down at the now withered grass I couldn't help but sigh knowing the dull conclusion.
"If death can actually try to be nice and all I did was push him away...Who am I to be called life."
Sitting on the withered grass a new idea came to mind, 'I have to make it up to him and I know exactly how to do it.'
"Well well well, look who we have here."
I was in the middle of taking a humans soul when I was interrupted by none other then Mabel.
"I can see your um.."busy" at the moment Bill so I'll make this quick. Dipp- I mean Life said you forgot this." She tossed a object at me, catching it I relived it was the locket I gave to dipper. Opening it the deer soul glowed dimly in the daylight.
"Thanks I guess." Shrugging I teleported the locket back to the underworld to be dealt with at a later time.
"Bill There's one more thing."
"And what's that shooting star." I smirked at the nickname she just rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Next time you get a job near life's territory, stay away from him." The last words she spoke almost seemed to come out of someone else all together as they where almost spoken like a demon, the words where intimidating. Not daring to ruin my reputation by looking weak, even though the only person here was going to die by my hand anyway, I merely shrugged.
"Sure thing shooting star." Good thing I'm a pathological lier.
She seemed to contemplate my words before she made a portal, most likely to dipper since he's her favorite out of the two of us. She gave one last threatening glance towards me before she stepped through the pink vortex.

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