(Rewritten) Chapter 7

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The first time I posted this I had a MAJOR error so here's the new updated chapter, if you didn't read the other one then great don't worry about this authors note
"How dare he do this!" Pacing back and fourth I let anger take over and the small amount of nature withered. After my recent discovery I teleported near the shack to ponder my next move.
"How dare he hurt my Pinetree! I'm going to destroy him and make sure no one will remember his name!" After a few more minutes of raw rage I managed to calm down a bit I headed back to the shack.
"I'm back." I called out.
I noticed Dipper hadn't moved from his spot on the couch and just seemed lost in thought.
"You okay?"
He just seemed to notice my presence before looking lost again.
"Bill I'm scared...I don't know who I am or anything, what's gonna happen to me." I could tell he was getting emotional, emotion not being my strong suit I just did what I've seen again and again, so copying the motion I gave him what mortals refer to as a 'hug'.
"It will be fine Dipper, no matter what happens I'm here and I'll help you get your memories back." He pushed me away harshly.
"But what if they never come back? I have no idea who I am, who you are for that matter, And why the hell I lost my memories in the first place! How do I know you didn't do this!"
I was shocked, I had no answers that he could understand and not think I'm a complete psychopath.
"Well tell me then 'Bill' why I should trust you."
I couldn't respond.
"Tell me!"
"Just as I thought..." Dipper was confused, angry, and emotional, after all that shit he went through I could understand why, who know what Gideon did to him.
"I'm sorry I don't have the answers your looking for Dipper just know that I-" he got up and pushed me away and made a bolt for the door.
"Dipper wait!" I called chasing after him, for being unconscious for so long he sure was fast.
Soon his tracks faded and I was left alone surrounded by the never ending forest surrounding the Mystery shack.

I ran as fast as I could leaving that freak back at that 'Mystery shack' who knows what sick thing he had in mind for me. I had no idea who he was or why I was there I just knew from a hunch he was bad news. After running a bit further I arrived at a small lake.
"I... Think I...lost him." I panted as I sat against a nearby tree. Looking over the water I watched my reflection waver between the calm ripples.
"Who am I..."
"Dipper!" A unfamiliar voice called out, it didn't seem to be from that "Bill" guy but I was still hesitant to respond, besides who knows if he wasn't lying about my name two.
Watching the bushes closely soon a lady with a almost blinding pink sweater crawled out from the bushes.
"Oh my gosh Dipper!" She ran up and embraced me in a gut crushing hug.
"Get off!" Shoving her off I stepped back a bit.
"Dipper? It's me, Mabel."
"What do you want from me."
"What do you mean Dipper? I don't want anything, I'm just glad your okay you really had me worried their for a bit. I came back to the mystery shack and Bill told me you had just run off."
'So she's with Bill.'
"Listen I-" I was cut off as another unfamiliar spoke up from the shadows.
'Now what?'
A short kid with very puffy white hair appeared.
"Good to see you again Mabel, oh and you two life."
'Life? Is he referring to me?'
"Gideon!?" Mabel exclaimed.
"That's my name try and not wear it out."
"Get behind me dipper, Gideon's bad news." Mabel said as she got In front of me protectively.
"Dipper? Oh I see, Why are you and Death trying to fill poor Life's minds with delusions. If you come with me life I'll clear this whole mess up and get you your memories back."
"No Dipper don't listen to him!"
"Come on Life don't you want to know who you are again? Don't let these Folks let you live a Lie, just come with me and I'll make sure you get back what you deserve."

'What is going on!?!"

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