The Age of Corruption

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I've been waiting for this Gideon guy for awhile, I was told he'd be with me in a moment but I could tell it's been a bit more then a moment. Getting bored curiosity took over and I got out of the chair I was sitting in I looked around the room.
"He sure has some strange art." I noted as the artwork was a bit on the dark side, depicting people bowing there heads for some sort of God like deity. Soon though that got boring.
"This guys sure in no hurry." I said looking towards the blue curtains that must have lead to Gideon's office or something.
A thought slipped my mind that perhaps he forgot I was here, or he got caught up in something.
'I guess it wouldn't hurt just to take a peck as to see what he's doing, who knows maybe he's just finishing up."
Breathing silently I snuck behind the curtains, I was in a long dark hallway with only a few lights on the wall keeping it from being a void of black, I noticed multiple doors lined the walls some of different shapes and sizes, a few had some writing I couldn't decipher although that could be because of the memory lose.
Soon however I realized I was lost in the maze of doors. Something about this place gave me an uneasy feeling so turning around I decided it would be best to go back to the waiting room.
Walking for a only a few minutes seemed to have disoriented m somehow because all the doors I passed didn't match the doors I passed when I first came through.
'Just walk straight.' Mentally telling myself I walked for a few more minutes until I arrived at the end of the hallway, no familiar blue curtains hung down like I hoped, instead it was a blue wood door with a Pinetree carved into it.
'A Pinetree,' suddenly my head started to pound as fire seeped through my skull, something was there trying to surface I barley managed to keep that memory before it faded back to oblivion.

"Geez Pinetree your such a drag sometimes." A young boy with yellow and black hair complained.
"Look who talking Mr, 'Depression.'" A young looking boy with brown hair replied.
"Hey!" The blond pouted and pushed the brown haired kid off what he was sitting on.
"Hey is for horses!" The kid responded on the ground laughing.

And just like that the memory faded.
'That was weird.' I thought not knowing who the blond haired kid was. Looking back at the door I decided that maybe I should try and open it, I mean who knows if I could remember something like that maybe this door is what Gideon wanted to see me about.
The door surprisingly was unlocked so I pushed it open and slipped inside.
Empty. The room was empty except a glowing orb that floated in the middle.
"What the?" I didn't know why but I almost felt attracted to it and before I knew it I was a few inches from it. Biting my lip I turned behind me, seeing no one I reached out to touch it...
My mind raced like wildfire and burned like one two, the pain of all the visions and memories filling my mind all in one sudden moment. Falling to my knees tears brimmed my face as I held my pounding head.
I couldn't hold in any more and I let out a blood curdling scream as the pain was so intense, I hoped it would be over soon but the pain just kept coming, tears dipped from my face and drops stained the floor red.
I didn't care if Gideon senses me I was going to find him and kill him no matter what. Only my instincts guided me as I walked through the corpses of Gideon's once army of gargoyles. My blood boiled the more I thought about what he's done, taking dippers memory's is unforgivable and he deserves the hell I'm gonna put him through.
"Bill wait!" I didn't stop, nothing she could say or do could make me wait any longer.
"Bill do you even have a plan?!" Mabel called out as she stepped over the corpses.
Again I ignored her.
Herring her sigh I knew she gave up getting my attention. We where close to the tent as the all to familiar scent of Gideon's magic emanated the parameter.
"Well look who we have here, a shooting star and a cloud of death. How nice of you to join me." My eyes shot upwards as I saw Gideon floating a few inches in the air.
Summoning my scythe I didn't hesitate launching up to him in a swift jump and slicing aiming for his head. Shock set in for a second as my scythe went through air.
"A hologram!" Turning around I saw Gideon standing on a nearby tree with something gleaming from his hands, not thinking I lunged towards him again, he dodges.
"You sure have gotten ruder since last time, what happened to our little back and forth insults I missed so much." Gideon teased.
Not replying I kept up my attack, I wanted him dead and I wanted it now.
"Wow you've really changed, you've become sloppy." Before I could try another attack he kicked me right in the gut sending me down to the earth.
"A-and you've gotten stronger." I coughed out standing back up catching my breath.
"That's not all I've got that's new." He replied as I finally got a good view of what he was holding.
"I-is that...Fords sword!" Mabel yelled shocked, I didn't have to look at her to know she's gone pale in the face.
"The one and only me dear Mabel, it took some time to locate it, but when your trapped for a few hundred years time finds you." Gideon replied.
Fords sword was crafted by the legendary Stanford Pines, he was one of dippers closest friends when he was alive, he was the one who built the shack and that sword was the original God slayer.
"Damn it." I muttered under my breath as Gideon laughed.
"You guys didn't think it would be easy like last time did you?"
Gideon locked eyes with me and faster then any normal spirit he teleported right in front of me about to strike me, thank the gods Mabel kicked him away from me.
"Bill you need to concentrate this isn't the same Gideon we fought back then." Mabel scolded, she was right this Gideon is the god like being we where afraid of all along.
Ditching my scythe I summoned my own sword, they weren't close to being as strong as Gideon's but they would give me a chance.
We clashed again and again, sword against sword, skin against sword and so on. I could tell Mabel was losing here endurance as her moves became slower and less accurate, unfortunately Gideon noticed as well. Using that one moment he struck her like a bulls eye.
Her eyes widened as the sword penetrated through her stomach.
"B-Bill." She looked mortified as warm red dripped from the wound, "sorry." She apologized before her form vanished into a spiral of grey dust blowing off In the wind.
I froze in shock, Mabel was dead? I dropped my defense as the most powerful celestial spirit in the cosmos had died.
"Wow she was almost as easy as life." Gideon chuckled.
"What." I turned my attention back to Gideon.
"Oh yeah didn't you get the news, life or Dipper as you call him is dead. Pretty easy since he trusted me so much." Gideon lied through his teeth.
My will to fight plummeted as those words escaped his mouth.
'He's dead?'
Gideon smiled evilly as he took this to his advantage and stood in front of Bill, sword still dripping Crimson.
"Tell me death, who are you fighting for now."
I ran, ran as fast as my feet could carry me, I knew now what was happening. All my memories had returned and I knew Gideon had returned.
'I'm so dumb!' I screamed mentally.
I could sense Mabel, Bill, and Gideon's presents, but soon Mabel's presents became unreadable.
'Please no.' That could mean one thing, she was gone. Tears streamed down my face as I prayed I would make it in time.
'Just a few more steps.' I told myself.
"Bill!" Dipper screamed running at full speed through the shrubbery.
He froze in place as Bill turned towards him and he saw the blade sticking from his chest.
Bill glanced from the blade to the figure yelling his name.
"D-dipper?" He could barely make out saying his name before he coughed up a black liquid, the same liquid dripping from the blades slick surface.
Bill tried reaching a hand out to dipper in a last attempt at life but Gideon savagely cut it short as he pulled the blade out violently.
"Oh geez I'm sorry my hand slipped." Gideon lied chuckling as he saw the life slip out of death, the black blood drained quickly through the wound, Bills once life filled eyes turned dull as he lost more and more blood and before long he fell to the ground in a life less heap.
Dippers eyes widened and he felt a pit in his stomach knowing that he was to late, now he's lost two people both taken from him by the same monster.
"Well Death looks like you where all bark and no bite, I mean this was pretty easy." Gideon teased poking Bills arm proving the point he won.
Dippers saddens then turned to anger at the one who caused all this, "Gideon." His voice spoke like venom.
"Huh? Oh right your still alive." Gideon stated turning his attention to Dipper.
"Of course I am, unfortunately I won't be able to say the same about you." Dipper growled.
"What are you gonna do boy use your 'powers of life' I don't think so, you ain't nothing but a prissy do goodie and you know it."
Dipper couldn't deny that, he's never once killed anyone that was Bills job, he had no weapon, no teleportation, and he was created just for one purpose of giving lives to vessels.
"You're right and wrong Gideon I was a do goodie but you've made the mistake of tipping the balance."
"What's that supposed to mean, your life your can't hurt me or anyone."
"True, but without death the grim reapers have no discipline meaning they can kill for sport considering both Mabel and Bill are dead, I in turn get the privilege of putting the world back on track." Dipper replied darkly, his whole aura turning as black as deaths itself, he could feel the imbalance and cries from the earth and the celestial plains, he knew that Bills men knew of his death and where now reeking havoc on earth and the plains of the sky.

The Age of Corruption had Begun

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