Kittens and Pudding

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My name is Terry. I am a black cat and I like chocolate pudding. Its my favorite thing, I eat it everyday and every night. My stupid owners hate it when i eat chocolate pudding, they say its "bad" for me. Well eating donuts and playing video games all day is bad for you too, but I don't complain. They eventually locked all of the chocolate gold away in this white box that releases cold air when opened. I call it "The white cage" because its white and takes everything I love away from me, like my owners.

Today, I've decided to infiltrate the white cage and save my pudding before my owners come back. I leaped on to the kitchen counter and started pushing things off to show my rage towards. I knocked over the salt and the pepper (because obviously you cant just knock over one), I walked along the counter like a boss. I owned this place. I reached the white cage and pawed at the door until it opened and sent shivers down my spine. Lol i thought, I could've done this a long time ago. This was so easy. I jumped into the white cage and captured the chocolate gold. I then leaped out of the fridge and crashed onto the floor, ripping the pudding free of its plastic container. This was a victory for the cat. 

1 Cat - 0 Humans

I then had a victory screech and ate all of the pudding. 

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