Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I smiled as I took a seat in front of the humans. The female was taking pictures with her phone.

I shook my finger at her. "No flash photography, Miss.

She crossed her arms.

"There's no need to be angry and defensive. I just don't feel like having something flash in my face." I looked at Jack. He had his elbow propped on his knee, and he had his face propped on his fist. "This one's bored," I said as I pointed at him. I looked at the younger boy. He was hunched over and holding his stomach. "And this one requires fuel. Fetch me a vehicon if you don't mind."

"Coming right up," he answered in his lovely, deep voice as he left the room.

"What's up with you?" Miko asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, why are you so...wishy washy?" Jack asked, backing her up.

"First you're a good Con, then bad, now good again," Miko explained.

"I like to have my pirorities straight. I'm a nice Decepticon, I truely am. But by no means will I defect or help the Autobots. Unless, of course, Megatron says to. I'm a Decepticon. It's what I do. You've got your extremists, like Megatron, and then you've got those with a good spark who just picked a side and are loyal, like me. I don't enjoy fighting, but you've gotta do what you've gotta dot to win a war."

"I...think I understand you a little better now," the older boy said. "Do you know what Megatron's got planned for us?" The other two children perked up.

"I do not," I replied. "None of us planned on your arrival."

"More like kidnapping," Miko mumbled.

I ignored her. "I would assume it to be something scientific, though, since the Autobots have nothing that Megatron wants."

"What do you mean by scientific?" Rafael asked. He was curious yet frightened of what the answer would be.

"Well, he could decide to hold you for my study purposes, although I'm already an expert. He could let Knockout test things on you, or he could let Shockwave experiment on you whenever he arrives.

"Uhh...I vote Nightstrike keeps us," Miko said.

"I second that," Jack said fearfully.

"Mhmm," Rafael nodded.

"Unfortunately for you, you don't get a choice in the matter. I can only voice my opinion."

Knockout came in with the vehicon.

"Sorry it took so long, most of the drones are in the mines. I had to go to the communication center to find this one."

I turned to the vehicon and used a tone filled with authority. "Inform Megatron that the humans require fuel and a waste disposal facility. If he has any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them."

He nodded and walked out.

"Did you mean 'bathroom'?" Miko asked with her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Class over trash. Besides, you stick to your culture, and I'll stick to mine." I was growing impatient with this child rapidly.

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