Who is Ashe?

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Once they returned home, Astral was handed the task of explaining Ashe to Yuma. She was resting in the key for now.

"Ashe is... Peculiar. She has lost her memories, like me, but she began remembering them as we begun battling the Arclight brothers. I described Quinton to her, and she knew his name before I said it. And she had a memory when Trey came to lunch. She said she was in the same room as the brothers when they were young. She also called Trey her brother. Which explains why Trey asked me to take care of her."

"She must be sad that she just lost someone who knew her! I wish I could talk to her..." Yuma looked out his window from his hammock.

Astral, there could be a way...  Ashe said in his head. Can you get him in the key? I considered this, and thought I might be able to do so.

"Yuma, can we go Zexal for a moment?" Yuma sat up.

"Wha...? Why?"

"Did you not want to meet Ashe any more?"

"Oh, I do!" The went Zexal, which they had a little trouble, since Yuma's bedroom was so small. Then, through Astral, they entered the key.

Ashe felt the disturbance before she saw it. She knew Astral was bringing Yuma to meet her. She was excited. Even though she had travelled with him for a while now, they had never actually met properly.

They landed on the deck of the ship in the key, where Ashe waited for them. They came out of Zexal again, and Yuma was bewildered.

"Hey! You must be Ashe!" She giggled.

"Yes. I am Ashe. Actually, now that I think about it..." She turned to Astral. "If Trey is my brother, that would make Quinton and the other one my brothers too. And my name is Ashe Arclight. Wow..." Astral nodded, in thought.

"Yes. Quite true." Yuma jumped backwards half a step.

"You're related to them?!?" Ashe nodded.

"But, let's not focus on that." She placed her hands to gather and smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you Yuma! Astral's been looking after me in here!" She spread her hands out as she used a wide gesture, meaning the world inside the key.

"Wow! That means you've witnessed my awesome duelling!" Yuma started jumping around.

"It's only awesome when you have some part of Astral to help." Yuma stopped jumping.

"Not you too!" Astral and Ashe laughed.

"Thank you for looking out for Astral." Ashe had become serious, and what she said had shocked Astral. She whispered something to Yuma that Astral couldn't hear. "Please, protect Astral. Trey may have been bad, but Quinton and his brother are worse. I just hope you don't have to meet Father." She straightened again and smiled. "Not to darken the mood, but I think I can hear your food calling. It smells really good...." She put an arm to her stomach to show she was hungry. And sure enough, they heard Kari call. And the smell of dinner wafted into the Key, making Yuma drool.

"Ok! See you later Ashe!" Yuma left.

"What did you say to Yuma?" Astral hovered over to Ashe.

"Oh, nothing much. Just thanking him a bit more personally. Anyway," She yawned. "Meeting Yuma sure is tiring work! I think I'm going to go rest." Astral nodded.

"Rest well Ashe."

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