Chapter Seventeen

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It's been three days since Troy has brought home Brooke.

"Hey, where's your little.... Uh.... "Girlfriend"" I said in the most sarcastic way possible, holding up air quotes.

"Fuck off, she's busy today."

"Yeah, busy fucking some other guy in the school's locker room." I smirked at my clever comeback.

"You just don't know when to stop, do you!" He yelled at me.

"Stop what?" I batted my eyelashes innocently.

"Bashing my girlfriend, I'm just sick of it. You can be such... a," he paused, as if rethinking what he wanted to say.

"Well spit it out, God dammit." I impatiently sighed.

He looked me dead in the eye. "A bitch."

I couldn't help the feeling that made its way through my body. My whole body tensed up, and my throat felt as if we're in fire as I tried to keep my sobs at bay. If only he knew...

"Now what's this really about, Troy?" I managed to say, "You've been dating Brooke for about five days. Don't tell me you're arguing with me because of her, I know better than that. She's just your slut for the week." He opened his mouth to say something, but I turned and ran upstairs before he could see the water that began trickling down my face. I didn't want him to see me cry. He would think I was weak. Plus, he didn't know.

I honestly thought I'd never have anyone call me a bitch, ever again. I've done my best to forget about my past, but Troy has brought back every single toxic memory with just a single word.

The worst part is, I believe him.

I'm a bitch.

I sat in the corner of my room with my knees tucked into me, my hand covering my mouth to muffle my cries.

This place isn't any better than my last home. Troy is ten times worse than my parents.

Except he doesn't leave blue and black bruises on my skin or, usually, call me profanities.

Every time I see Brooke with him, it's like someone's reaching into my rib cage and tearing my heart out.

Well he's torn it out for the last time. And this time, he can keep it.

Because it's been replaced with a block of ice.

I'm going to get over Troy, and someone who actually cares about me. Hopefully I'll move on from this town, and get into a good college, then move on to have a family with my Someone.

Until then, I'll have to suck it up, and move forward.


I finally went downstairs in the wee hours of the morning to grab a little bit of food to stash away. But my plan failed when a mystery man walked into the kitchen.

"Hi." His deep voice interrupted my staring at his biceps.

"Um.. Uhh hi." I managed to stutter out, he was gorgeous. I'll have to admit, but my heart is now a block if ice, "Who are you and why are you in my kitchen?" I asked, still searching the pantry for snacks.

"My name's Ashton." He said, "And to answer your second question: I came in here to get a bag if chips."

"But that doesn't answer my question completely. Let me restate it: why are you in MY house?" I emphasized the last part for dramatic effect.

"I'm Troy's friend, he invited me here because his five-day girlfriend bailed."

I smiled.

"What?" He gave me a confused look, pulling my eyebrows together. He probably thought I was weird, just smiling like that.

"Oh, nothing." I said, in a dreamy voice. It's nice to know that he hates her also.

"Well, I gotta go, see you later." He smirked and walked out of the room.

"You forgot your chips, dumb ass," I yelled and threw him a bag when he walked back in.


I was snacking on the gummies I got from the pantry when I was thinking about Ashton. He was hot.


I don't know why, but the thought of him just doesn't leave my mind.

I don't even know his last name.

Ashton... Something. I'll have to ask him later.

That's a weird question to randomly ask somebody.

I managed to get a good nights rest, despite Ashton and Troy's video game banter.

I couldn't get his dark green eyes out of my head. 'His' as in Ashton's. Not Troy's. He can just go jump off a cliff.

Or the way his hair is only wavy on the top where it stuck out of his beanie.

Or his adorable little dimples when he smiled.

Or his tan skin.

The way his veins popped out on his forearms.

His pecs which were sticking out slightly due to the tank top hanging loosely over his torso. Which is probably just as amazing as the rest of his body. Oh, how'd I like to see the rest of his body..

Okay, no. Nows not the time to be acting all hormonal.

I decided to take a shower because its the weekend and I don't want to look like I crawled out from the sewers if I go out.


I finished getting entirely ready within thirty minutes. I decided on natural looking makeup with black jeggings and a Green Day T-shirt which I love to death. I topped my outfit off with simple combat boots and decided to let my hair dry natural- wavy.

I skipped back down the stairs to grab a slice of pizza before I went anywhere.

Oh, and here comes Ashton. I cannot get over how ironic this situation is. I'm finally ready to give up boys until after school and then BAM.

He walked in wearing a Nirvana shirt with the sleeves cut off and tight skinny jeans, which most boys cannot pull off correctly. He grabs a banana off the counter.

"Hey." He greets.

"Hello," I say around my mouth full of pizza.

"Can I take you out somewhere?" He asks me out of the blue. I nearly choke on my pizza.

"Uh yeah, sure." I say, "Just let me grab a few things."


A/N: Okay so I'm not the original writer if this story :$ I just got bored and thought "Pssh why not." And so I did.

I've never read this story so I don't really know what happened so I'm just kind if winging it at the moment oOPS c:

So YEAH. Plus 'Danielle' has lost inspiration for this story so.




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