Act 1 Scene 2

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"Don John: I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in his grace, and it better fits my blood to be disdained of all than to fashion a carriage to rob love from any." - Act 1 Scene 3

Jamie Donne threw a tennis ball against the cream wall. He caught it as it bounced back, some of the yellow fluff falling off. Picking some of the lint off the ball he tossed it from one hand to the other.

One of his three roommates sat on their bed, their legs dangling over his single bed. "Dude what's your problem?" Conrad asked.

Jamie swung his legs over his bed, his barefeet thudding against the timbre floor. "I'm stuck in this shithole, with my sister who will probably be dogging my every move. She'll be there to report me to my parents at every opportunity," he said, slamming the tennis ball onto the wooden bedside table.

"Peyton's been alright the past couple of months. All you have to do is play nice for two weeks and then you can do whatever you want."

"You know what's going to happen. Do you know?" He clenched his teeth and balled up his fist. "I get to spend the Christmas holidays with her...Wait she'll be at Helena Petrakis', I won't have to deal with her. But I hate her and her bloody friends, Petrakis has called me a malaka since Year Five and Beatrix, bloody Beatrix ever since I met her she's thought she was smarter just because she is better with academics and people. Every time she opens her mouth I hate her a little more. I hate all of them."

He lay his head back down on the pillow sighing, looking up at the grey ceiling. Rubbing a hand over his face, he reached his hand into his pocket to grab his phone. He retracted it quickly when he realised the denim pocket was empty.

Bryce - his other roommate - burst into the room. "You'll never believe this, Claude is going to ask the Greek chick out, the loaded one."

"Interesting," Jamie murmured, pegging the tennis ball at Bryce. "Two idiots in love, let's make this ship sink. Conrad you have a girlfriend right?"  

A/N: I feel like I'm throwing lots of characters at you and hopefully it'll all make sense soon. I swapped this scene with the proper Act 1 Scene 2 but that'll make sense to. Sorry for the short updates. SO we've met Peyton's brother (Pedro and John) so I'm excited. Hopefully more updates will come this weekend (due to it being 400 years since Shakespeare's death ie. how many Much Ado About Nothing versions can I watch, I've also got a Twelfth Night DVD ready and Macbeth open on my computer so I'm excited). Let me know what you think :)  

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