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addison's pov

first day of kindergarten

"alright class, i'm mrs. bryan. i have notecards set up with your first and last name on it, please find it sit there for me."

i looked around the class to find my name. i'm so excited to finally start school.

i found my name and sat down, then a boy about the same height as me, with blonde hair sat down next to me.

"hi!" i waved at him. i was so excited to make friends. he smiled and waved back. "hi, i'm jack johnson!" he said with so much enthusiasm.

"i'm addison brooks!" i smile wider. "oh, sweet you sit here too?" i asked looking at his name card next to mine.

"yeah, this is gonna be so cool!" he said high-fiving me.


i sat in my room and cried, thinking of how we first met


8 years old

jack was on his way over so we could swim.

once he got here we went out to the back and i pushed him in.

"no fair! let me push you in now." he said angry. i was just laughing at him.

i stuck my tongue out at him and jumped in.

we just laughed and splashed each other and were just playing around.

then we got out and walked inside to ask my mom to make us some pizza rolls, but all we heard was my mom and dad arguing in the living room, so we just went back outside and were waiting a little bit to go back in.

"can you promise me something?" i asked jack.

"yeah, anything." he said looking over at me.

"can we never argue and fight like my mom and dad do? can we always be best friends, forever?" i asked jack.

"i promise, we will." he said hugging me.


i cried more as i drove to the first place he told me he loved me.


9th grade

it's towards the end of the year, it's been great, but jack has been avoiding and ignoring me lately.

"what's wrong, why have you been so down lately?" jaxon, my boyfriend, asked me.

"he's my best friend, and always has been. and he means so much to me. and he's just been avoidi-"

"i'm so tired of hearing about him, that's all you worry about is him." he cut me off, while rolling his eyes.

"maybe because he's my bestfriend and all of a sudden hates me." i cried. "he's always been there for me and won't talk to me anymore, he's ignoring my calls, texts, everything!" i cried more into his chest.

again ; j.johnsonWhere stories live. Discover now