Yoongi - Sleep

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Coming home to your boyfriend sleeping peacefully on your shared bed is something you'd deffinitely love to see everyday. Sadly, Yoongi isn't always home and you would always have nights alone during those days.

Fortunately, today was one of your lucky days to find Yoongi sleeping peacefully on your bed when you got home. You grinned as you dropped your bag on the bed's side table before crawling into bed with him.

His back was facing you, so you sadly couldn't get a view of his cute sleeping face. He let out a small chuckle before wrapping your arms around his torso and pulling yourself closer to him. You nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck, lightly tickling him with your breathe.

"Y/N," You heard him slur in his sleep. A small smile crept up your face as you felt his hands lazily holding yours under the sheets. "Get some rest, Yoongi," You whispered. "You're tired, I know. We can just spend time together when we get up,"

He nodded his head slightly, before turning around and snuggling into you. His arms made their way around your waist as he pulled you closer to his chest.

Before the both of you fell asleep, you heard a soft, mumbled, "I love you," leave Yoongi's lips. With that, you dug your head into his chest, before saying an "I love you," back.

The both of you then fell into a peaceful slumber~♡

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heyy i decided to make this short and sweet since i didn't have much time xD hope you guys like it though !!


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