RapMonster -Perfect Night for love at first sight [Part 1]

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You slowly took another bite of your food . Your boyfriend called you out but you knew that it was time you guys broke up .

"(y/n)"He calls out .

Your eyes gaze to him as you stood up .
Words slowly started to fall out like a waterfall .

"We should ..break up,"You tell him .

With no emotion your boyfriend agreed getting up leaving you standing there . You sat back down taking off the relationship ring you hand on . He didn't even have his on . You knew he was cheating on you. You knew it ..

You paid for the meal that you hardly ate . You walked out and the wind blew strong . The ring that was in the palm of your hands . You threw it into the street and walked off.

Rapmonster Felt something hit his shoe . He looked down seeing a ring ? He picked it up and looked seeing You with your hand in the air all dressed up .

He started to follow you as you entered a club . Rapmonster quickly made his way to you but got lost in the crowd . You sat down at the bar and order a drink . Quickly chugging it down you order another one .

"Excuse me miss is this yours ?,"Rapmonster asked you holding the ring .

You looked from head to toe at Rapmonster liking what you saw . Your checks easily turned pink when drinking . As well as easily getting drunk .

You smiled and blinked twice before blacking out . Your tolerance for alcohol sure is low .

Rap Monster catches you and quickly takes you out the club . He put you on his back and takes you to his place .

He laid you down on your side on the edge of his bed . He took your shoes off and let's you be . He came back looking at you . He touched your forehead seeing if you had a fever . He climbed over you and to his side of the bed . He closed his eyes and went to sleep .

You finally woke up the next mourning . You looked around seeing you weren't in your own room . You turn seeing a guy next to you in bed . You quickly got up and saw he woke up .

You hide your self down under his bed . It didn't work as he leaned down looking at you with a smile .

"Are you okay,"Rapmonster asked you .

"Ye Ye I'm fine I'll be going now thank you ,"You say slowly walking away .

"Oh would you like anything to eat ?,"Rapmonster asked you .

"Ani I'll be okay ,"You tell him .

You got your shoes on and left out the door . You stopped in the hallway of the apartment and looked . This was the same building you lived in . You herd his door open as he came .

"excuse me but you forgot your purse ,"Rapmonster says .

"Ah thank you ,"You say taking it from him .

You looked seeing your room down the hall . How is this possible ...You lived next to ...that guy .

"Wait what's your name by chances ,"You asked him before he walked inside .

"Rapmonster ,"He tells me .

"Ani your real name ,"You ask again .

"Can't tell you it's a secret ,"He says opening his door .

"What kinda secret ?,"You ask .

He nodded his head smiling at you . He opens his door and walked inside . You squinted your eyes and snapped .

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