Taekook- Smile

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+ Note: Here, Jungkook is 7 and Taehyung is 9.

(I suggest to read my other one-shot in this book "Taekook- Adopted" before reading this but you can still understand this even if you won't.)


"Tae!" Jungkook laughed as Taehyung pushed him on the swing. "Higher! Higher!" The younger demanded.

"As you wish." Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's childishness.

With every push, Jungkook's smile grew bigger and bigger, his cute giggles became louder and louder, his doe eyes slowly taking the shape of a cresent as they gleamed with delight.

After two years of not seeing his bestfriend, of course he was happy. He was in fact, very happy. It was as if his heart strings were being pulled at all the right places. He felt warm inside. He felt overjoyed. He felt loved. It was overwhelming--everything was overwhelming. And he loved the feeling.

"Taehyung! Jungkook!" Jin called from afar with two lollipops in his hands. "Want some sweets?"

Taehyung's smile burst into an extremely wide grin and started jumping. "I want! I want!" He said as he eyed the lollipops with a child-like kind of enthusiasm.

He immediatley ran towards Jin, almost tripping in the process.

He was over joyed by the sweets. He retrieved the two luscious candies and went running back to Jungkook who was still playing on the swing. Nearly getting hit by the swing due to the force Jungkook swung a moment ago.

"What do you want, the cola one or the strawberry?" The elder asked as he stuck the two candies out in Jungkook's face, grinning widely.

The younger returned the goofy grin and selected the strawberry one. "I know you love cola." He stated, chuckling.

Hearing that from Jungkook, Taehyung immediatley gave him a bear hug. "You're the best Kookie!" He exclaimed and ruffled the younger's brown hair.

Jungkook smiled. He loved praises. Espescially the ones coming from Taehyung.

Tae took his lollipop and took the wrapper off like a pro. While Jungkook had a hard time getting it off.

"Hold this," Taehyung said handing his precious lolli over to Jungkook when he saw the younger having a hard time.

He took Jungkook's lolli and took the wrapper out for him. He looked up to Jungkook and saw him licking the top portion of his cola lolli.

"Jungkooookk..." Taehyung whined.
Jungkook gave out his puppy eyes and pouted. "I'm sorry hyung.. I just wanted to have a taste."

The older sighed and shrugged, he ruffled Jungkook's hair and licked the top portion of the strawberry lollipop. "There," He said as he presented the sleeked top of the lolli. "We're even now."

Jungkook was a bit concerned with the hygeine factor. But he brought this upon himself and nodded. "I guess so."

Taehyung giggled and shoved the strawberry lolli into the younger's mouth as he took his cola flavoured lolli back.

"Boys!" A deep voice called them. The two boys with their lollipop filled mouth's turned to it's direction and saw Namjoon.

Both of them waved.

"Jin and I are gonna get some lunch, we'll be back, okay?" Namjoon said as he waved back at them.

"Okay!!" The two boys yelled back in sync.
"Play nicely!" Namjoon replied before leaving the place, catching up with Jin who was practically centimeters away from the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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