YoonMin- Cheater

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A/N: Its BoyxBoy if you dont like that then you can move on to the next imagine.

Its my first time writing smthing like this so dont kill me if it sucks.

And Me_Di_Na this is the YoonMin shot you sort of asked for? Idk I hope u like it~


It's been four months since Jimin and Yoongi started seeing each other. They couldn't help themselves. It felt right but it was so wrong.

Both of them were currently in a straight relationship, but after they got to know each other, their sexuality.. Sort of changed.

Not that they didn't love the girls they were currently dating. They loved them really, they were angels. Breaking up with them would be a problem, they didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Their relationships were good, the girls treated them well, and to break up just like that would just be cruel.

Yoongi sighed as he stared at the dark haired male walking towards him with two frappes. He wasn't going to deny the fact that he was in love with the boy, but there's the fact that both of them were currently in different relationships.

Jimin felt the same. He loved the grey haired man that sat beside him, but to be with him, he had to break up with his girlfriend. They've been together for four years straight and breaking up just like that.. Wasn't like Jimin.

Jimin fumbled his fingers nervously, he sighed and took a sip from his frappe. "Hyung," Jimin said softly, tugging at the sleeve of the elder's coat.

"Hm?" Yoongi hummed, drinking his frappe.

"Do you think we'll be okay?" Jimin asked. He knew that Yoongi loves him and he knows that Yoongi knows he feels the same. But every second he spends with Yoongi both tugs at his guilt and his heart strings.

Yoongi decided not to answer the question. Instead, he just ended up locking eyes with Jimin, gently patting his head.

"Hyung.. I want an answer." Jimin stated and broke eye contact. He was embarrassed that he sort of talked back to his hyung.

Yoongi exhaled, he lift Jimin's head up so that they make eye contact. "..Truthfully Jimin.." Yoongi trailed off, but he caught his voice mid-sentence. "I don't know either."

Jimin felt the sting he had in his nose and the lump in his throat. He blinked a couple of times to get rid of the tears, but his voice kept on breaking anyway. "But hyung, I don't want to hurt anyone." Jimin silently sobbed as he pulled out his hankercheif from his pocket, but Yoongi was already wiping his tears away.

Yoongi left his frappe beside him as he pulled the crying Jimin into a hug. "I-I.. I do-don't want to h-hurt her.. H-hyung." Jimin sobbed in between stutters. He knew that people were probably giving them looks by now, he didn't want Yoongi to be embarrassed in public because of him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and wiped his tears. He didn't care if he looked like a mess right now. He just wanted to get out of the park.

"H-hyung," Jimin sniffled. "I want to go home."

Yoongi understood and led Jimin to his car.

"H-how can we be in a relationship without hurting anybody?" Jimin asked the moment Yoongi went in the car.

Yoongi thought about it first, but the chances of no one getting hurt is pretty low. There was nothing wrong with their current relationships with their girlfriends, but they both know, those girls won't be able to make them as happy as how the male sitting beside them. The two guys being together just gives them extreme euphoria. It makes them feel complete, but still guilty for cheating.

"Well, we're the ones who gave ourselves this problem Jimin," Yoongi stated calmly. "But in the end, someone's gonna get hurt, its either me, you or our girlfriends. It's hard to think of a way for everyone to be happy with us."

Jimin nodded and hiccuped. "I don't want to hurt anyone either but.. It's bound to happen." Yoongi added and gave Jimin a bottle of water and wiped his tear stained cheeks.

"Now stop crying, I can't see your eyes when you cry." Yoongi teased and pecked Jimin on the forehead, ruffling his hair after.

Jimin chuckled silently as he drank the water. He was happy his apartment wasn't that far from the park. It was just probably 10 mins away.

When they arrived, Jimin immediatley changed his clothes and hopped onto his bed, feeling sleepy.

"Hyunggg.." He whined for Yoongi to lay beside him. It was a miracle because for once Min Yoongi declined sleep! But Jimin forced him anyway. The two cuddled peacefully. Yoongi was about to fall asleep when Jimin started talking.

"Hyung.. Do you think our families will accept us?" Jimin suddenly asked. "I mean, we are a homosexual couple.."

Yoongi yawned and hugged the slightly shorter boy tighter. "I know my parents will," He said and burried his head in the crook of Jimin's neck, inhaling the younger's scent. "I'm not so sure about yours.." Yoongi fell silent.

"But you know what?" Yoongi added. "Let's just stop thinking about others for a while and give us a moment to be with each other, yeah?"

The younger nodded. "Yeah."

After a while, when Yoongi was sure Jimin was asleep, he took out his phone, showing several missed calls and messages from his girlfriend Y/N



Oppa? It's late, I haven't
Seen you all day :(
received, 8:57 pm

I guess you were busy,
I came by your house and
Ahjumma told me you weren't
home, I made you a cake I hope
u like it ❤
received, 9:02 am

Oppa are you mad at me? Why are
u ignoring me? Did i do something
received, 2:27 pm


Yoongi sighed as he tried to type the message.

Yoongi is typing ..

Jagi, I wanna break up with you|
Jagi, I found a guy I like|
Y/n I'm sorry..|

Y/n I'm sorry
sent, 3:46 pm


Yoongi closed his eyes as his guilt started to eat him away.

He turned to the sleeping boy who's arms were around his waist and his leg that was over his.

Yoongi smiled at him and pressed his lips on the younger's forehead.

"I love you hyung.." The younger muttered in his sleep.

Yoongi chuckled and threw his phone over to Jimin's bedside table and allowed sleep to take over his consciousness.

"I love you too kid."



A/N: It was so hard to write something like this tbh but I had fun :3

I hope this made up for the last YoonMin imagine I made.

~Anne/ Taehyung_Noye or -taekooks

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