Chapter one

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I went to work early that morning but to my utmost surprise, Trisha my secretary was already at work. Trisha was never early, she always had one excuse or the other for her tardiness. She didn’t even notice when I walked pass her, she was wearing headphones and her chair was turned with her back facing me. Typical.

Immediately I sat down on my chair, Aaliyahs words visited my mind again that morning. Of course I knew what people said about me, but frankly, I never really cared, but hearing the words coming from Aaliyah made me feel weird. Aaliyah should have known what she was signing up for, when she agreed to marry me. She was not allowed  to come into my life and think she can change everything. We were not in some kind of romantic movie or book, where the guy changes just for a girl or the other way round. This was fucking reality.

The phone rang interrupting my deep thoughts. I looked at the screen of my mobile phone, and it was my mother. The only phone call that managed to scare the shit out of me.

‘’Good morning mother,’’ I said trying hard to hide my nervousness.

 "How are you son, and my beautiful daughter in-law?,’’ she asked excitedly.

I huffed, yea right, beautiful indeed, ‘’ fine ma, how’s your health?”

"Well, thanks be to Allah, I’m still alive. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be visiting for two days tops’’

My heart skipped a beat or two before I finally replied in a tone that sounded too excited to be true, ‘’that’s splendid Ma, I can’t wait. I’m sure Aaliyah would be excited as well.’’ In my heart I knew I could wait. It was going to be the first time my mother was visiting, we usually did the visiting, not the other way round. It was going to be hell, that’s for sure.

As soon as I hung up the phone, my best friend and colleague came into my office. Jamal I could say was the exact opposite of me, personality wise. He was happily married with three children, too nice for his own good, he was what I’d call a perfect gentleman. Always said and did the right things. He was one step away from being a saint

"Hey bro, sup?’’ he asked smiling and extending his fist for a fist bump. I made my hand into a fist and bumped his.

"Not too good Jamal, not too good,’’ I said with a sigh. It was easy to talk to Jamal since I didn't need to pretend with him.

He crossed his legs and gave me that look I always hated, ‘’oh really, now what could the problem?’’ he asked with a smug look on his face.

"My mother just called me, she’s coming to visit for two days. You know what that means right?’’

Jamal placed his hands on his chin and slowly shook his head, ‘’mmhm actually I don’t. I don’t really see what the problem is,’’ he smiled mischievously. He obviously knew what the problem was.

I threw my hands up in the air and groaned in frustration, ‘’really, you don’t see what the problem is? Once my mother comes, she’d be expecting to see a loving couple, two love birds. We both know that’s going to be difficult to fake.’’

Jamal simply nodded and frowned, and then said, ‘’you know you’re the reason behind all of these problems. You married for the wrong reasons, and now you’re paying the consequences. Aaliyah is a beautiful and kind woman, worthy of being loved, and if you can’t see that then you need to see an eye doctor’’

Why does everybody keep calling her beautiful?

I laughed as if he had just cracked a joke,
" you know very well, I can never love her. I’m not ready to commit to anyone or any life.  For God’s sake I’m just twenty eight, can’t a guy just live. Besides Aaliyah doesn’t love me, she loves my money, so it’s all good,’’ I said with a shrug.

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