chapter seven

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It had been a week since Sadiq and I started 'getting along'. I wouldn't say it has been perfect, but I had been happy, happier than I had been in more than a year.

We argued a lot but it was the kind or argument which in between, you would have to stop your lips from tugging into a smile or bite your lips to suppress your laughter. The things we argued on were little things like the remote, coffee and the temperature of the air conditioner.

Our most serious happened when Sadiq came to pick me up from school once and saw me talking to Joe. I teased him, asking him if he was jealous, and he snapped, and me being who I was, I snapped right back at him. Chocolate and coffee, was all it took to calm both our demons.

We were not a couple in love, we were more like housemates who got along. We still slept in different rooms, stayed out of each other's business, and always kept a slight distance.

''oh my gosh, the notebook,'' I squealed in delight as I changed the channel. Sadiq sat next to me and even though, I wasn't looking at him, I knew he was rolling his eyes.

''no, no, what about Hancock?'' he asked in a child like manner, which I had initially found cute, until I realised he was using his cuteness to get what he wanted. I still found it cute, but I was more resistant.

''ya rabbi, Hancock?'' I turned to look at him with my nose wrinkled and my brows furrowed. He had watched Hancock more than once. It was recorded which meant he could watch it anytime he wanted.

''fine, the note SHIT, it is'', he grimaced, resting his head on the sofa, ''wake me up when it's over.''

I smiled, because I knew he wasn't going to sleep, and if they was anyone who was going to be waking someone up, It would be him waking me up.

Close to the end of the movie, I had tears in my eyes, which I was struggling to keep back. If I cried, I was positive Sadiq would laugh, and what could be more embarrassing?

The movie ended and I could no longer hold back the tears. I started sobbing silently, surprising myself. I was never one to cry over movies, but then again it was a Nicholas sparks movie.

Sadiq swivelled on the sofa and leant closer, tilting his head to the side, while I tried to stop the damn tears from falling more.

'' are you crying?'' he asked quietly with a soothing tone in his voice.

Wasn't it obvious? I thought. ''no,'' I lied.

''look at me,'' he demanded. I turned to look at me, he was studying me with slumberous eyes, and a very concerned expression on his face.

He flinched when he saw the tears on my face, ''you're crying"he muttered quietly.

I nodded and smiled. Before I could say anything he was kneeling in front of me, strong gentle hands cupping my face, beautiful eyes boring into mine, his forehead almost touching mine. At that moment I forgot how to breathe, and my lips betrayed me as they parted, letting out a small gasp.

''don't cry, please,'' he pleaded.

His shoulders were slumped and his eyes glossy. He looked like he was in pain and I immediately felt guilty for crying.

I nodded slowly, keeping my eyes fixed to his. I was dazed and I could no longer think. He was like a different man, different from the man I had been living with the past year.

''I'm sorry,'' I blurted out. I didn't know why, but I just felt sorry.

His eyes shut, he took a deep breath before leaning up and placing a soft, lingering kiss on my fore head.

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