chapter two

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I woke up with a pounding ache in my head and a sick feeling in my stomach. Getting myself to fall asleep last night was war. I kept thinking of my mother in law every time I closed my eyes.

My mother in law was like my own mother , and I would hate to do anything that would ever hurt her, and I knew that if there was anyone in the world Sadiq actually cared about, it was his mother.

I was so grateful I had no lectures, enough time to prepare. I prayed fajr and then I started packing all the necessary things. I was going to have to move some of my stuffs to sadiqs room to make the lie more believable.

I tried to do my chores, but it was really hard, because today was one of the very rare Saturday when Sadiq was actually home and had no plans of going out. It was like he was everywhere I went, in the kitchen, the living room , his bedroom. It was so uncomfortable.

''you don't have to pack so much stuff, you know it's just for two days right?'' he asked glaring at me as I dropped the bag of toiletries. The way he was glaring at me was so unnecessary though.

''I only packed the necessary things okay, and I'm aware that its only for two days,'' I shot him my own glare.

''whatever,'' he scowled and left the room.

He was so immature and annoying. Sometimes I just want, ugh, I don't know, hurt him.

I sorted all my things in the room and then I made lunch, I made fried rice which was my mother in laws' favourite, then I moved to the sitting room where sadiq was sprawled on the sofa watching football news and eating chips. I sat far away from him and buried my face in my novel, Americana, as I awaited my mother in laws' arrival.

After about thirty minutes we both heard the doorbell ring and we both turned our heads and attention to the door, and then we looked at each other briefly. His eyebrows furrowed together, other than that the expression on his face was unreadable.

I sprang up my feet and walked to the door as Sadiq trailed behind me.

I opened the door to let her in, when I felt a hand slide behind me and then a grip on my waist. I looked up at sadiq and I was shocked to see that the expression on my face was completely opposite to mine. He looked calm with a broad smile on his face. Before I had time to react to the sudden warmth I was feeling in my body, I heard his smooth husky voice.

''Ma,'' he said to the woman who was smiling broadly in front of our house. Ma rushed past him and wrapped her arms around me.

'' welcome ma,'' I whispered into her ears.

''ma , I'm the son not the son in law remember,'' sadiq joked. Ma let go of me and went over to hug sadiq who was now grinning and looked like a two year old child.

''Oh, I missed you two so much,'' she said as she continued squeezing the life out of her son.

'' we missed you too ma,'' I said. She let go of her son and turned to look at me lovingly. '' how was your journey?'' I asked.

''Exhausting,'' she said with a sigh, ''I just want to feel cold water on my body right now.''

''Wish granted. Come I'll take you to your room and prepare your bath,'' I said holding her hands and leading her to her bedroom.

After Ma took her bath we ate lunch together and spent hours chatting and talking about random things. She kept asking questions about our relationship and we kept telling her we were perfectly happy, and she believed. Who wouldn't believe, with the way sadiq was looking at me like he really felt something for me other than hate, and the way I was snuggled against his chest like it was the most comfortable place ever.

After long hours of talking to Ma and listening to her stories, we were all exhausted so we decided to all go to bed.

Sadiq and I said goodnight to Ma and walked hand in hand to 'our' temporary room. As soon as we were in the bedroom, Sadiq yanked his arm off my shoulder and went into the bathroom without even sparing me a glance.

I grabbed my pyjamas from my bag and laid them on the bad as I sat down to wait for him to come out.

After about five to seven minutes, Sadiq came out with nothing but a towel on, showing off his perfectly sculpted stomach and a hand towel on his shoulder. It took me a lot of will power to keep my mouth from falling, and I was sure he could see my struggle.

I quickly grabbed my pyjamas and towel and rushed pass him into the bathroom, but I didn't miss the smirk that appeared on his face before I entered the bathroom.

I walked out of the bedroom only to see that Sadiq was already dressed in a white t shirt and navy blue loose trousers, and was lying on the sofa, with his arm above his head. Well, what did I expect? Pretence was just pretence, and they were definitely limits.

It was the first time we were going to be sleeping in the same room, and I was very nervous. I sighed and slid under the bed sheets. It smelled like him, though I wasn't exactly sure what he smelt like.

''you're quite the actress you know,'' he scoffed, and I looked at him to see that his back was facing me.

''I think you are a better actor,'' I replied hoping he sensed the bitterness in my voice. He didn't say anything after that and neither did I, until we both fell asleep.

The next day was exactly the same, the fake love, fake happiness, everything was so fake. I had to commend myself though, I was becoming quite the actress, and it was all thanks to my darling husband.

I was so relieved when Ma finally left. Don't get me wrong, I love Ma, I was just tired of all the pretending.

As soon as Ma left, Sadiq went back to being the ass that he was, and within thirty minutes he was dressed and then gone.

Being alone gave me more time to get myself together and to think. I called my friend and project partner, Joe and asked him to come over. Our project was due tomorrow and we were barely half way done. I knew he would arrive in less than ten minutes, since he lived quite close, so I rushed to go take a shower.

I would have taken the shower in my room, but I was way too lazy to look for the key to my room, plus I liked Sadiqs bathroom more, it was bigger.

I got out of the shower wearing my pink robe which reached above my knee and washed hair wrapped with a towel.

The door suddenly opened startling me. I jerked back a little, when I saw who it was. He glanced at me blankly and for a second I felt self conscious, but it vanished as soon as he uninterestedly turned his face away.

''Did you forget something?''I asked Sadiq as I searched for my body cream in my bag.

''yeah, my phone,'' he muttered as he picked his phone and made for the door in a rush.

I grabbed my body cream and sat on the bed. I squeezed a little on my palm and was about to rub on my leg when the door opened again. I quickly covered my exposed leg and stood up.

''your boyfriend's here to see you,'' Sadiq said with a little pissed off look on his face.

'' What boyfriend? '' I asked confused but then it hit me, he was talking about Joe. I laughed a small laugh and was about to say something when he cut me off.

''You know you're a hypocritical bitch,'' he spat out bitterly.

''What?'' I blurted out.

''you act all innocent and holy, you criticise me for being a whore when you're just as much of a whore as I am.

I couldn't believe he was saying such a thing, off all the things he could accuse me of, how dare him. For the first time in my life I couldn't stop myself, and before I knew it, I had landed a slap on his face.

He rubbed his cheek where my hands had landed seconds ago, before turning to look at me with anger in his eyes. It didn't scare me, I was used to seeing that emotion from him.

He grabbed my wrist and brought his face closer to mine and then whispered through gritted teeth, '' don't ever do that again, bitch,'' and then the most mind blowing thing ever happened, he smashed his lips roughly against mine, and kissed me. He kissed me.

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