Best friends, Movies And Realization

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"Danni! Wake up! Wake up! How long will you sleep, lazy head."

Yay! That's my best friend after she is done with her date. "Cli, go do something else whilst I just get up" I yell. She has a tug smile on her lips before she answers me, "we were going to something today. So wake up." Slowly I open my eyes to see the clock hanging on the wall. 7 pm. What is with everyone waking me up today? So annoying.

"Let's watch a movie" she chirps happily. 'A Walk to Remember' we say in unison and grin.

Friendship goals? Definitely.

So with popcorn, crisps, and cold drink we settle on the couch to watch a walk to remember by Nicholas Sparks. I'm a hopeless romantic and a sucker for happier endings. But who isn't? Unfortunately it doesn't happen in real life. The story of Landon and Jamie is so cute. But only the best people in this world die.

Dying is leaving someone alone but they don't get a choice. However besides dying, there is a choice whether to leave or not. And some choose to leave.

Leave...Someone... Jamie Sullivan... Sullivan...Nathan.

That's when it clicked in me. Those eyes that I felt I recognized belonged to none other than Nathan Sullivan. But can that be possible?

I might just pass out. "Clea" is all I can mutter before fainting.

"Daniel, are you okay?" Cli is worried and tensed. It's written over her face. She sprinkles water on my face to make me feel awake.

"Yea, I'm fine. Don't worry Clea." I smile at her. She doesn't believe me. "Danni, what happened? You just passed out all of a sudden. Anything wrong?" she asks me worriedly.

I didn't even expect it. " Cli. I think I saw him." I tell her nervously playing with my fingers. I don't even know how I came up with that theory. "Who him?" she ask surprised. It was a deal that we would forget him for my sake. "Oh damn, him! I know who. I'm sorry, but where and how?" she ask me. I end up telling her the strangers encounter and his eyes.

"But Nathan had deep black hair right? And you've mentioned caramel brown hair. So it can't be him" she assures me with her reply. "Believe me, there are many who have blue eyes Danni. So don't worry, chill and relax." She concludes.

Somehow I didn't think of it that way. There are so many people in New York so it cannot be him. My brain is just over thinking. I'm sure Cli is right. He cannot be back to Albany. He has a more exciting life to live then come back here.

Calmed and relaxed we enjoy the rest of the movie. Since Clea and I live in the same locality, we do some talking after the movie ends, before she heads home.

What a tiring day it has been. I need sleep.

After the torturous holidays that began, they have finally ended. Now it's time to get back to school. When everyone complains about going back, I'm actually happy. Maybe because teenage girls go with teenage boys for parties, dances and dates whilst on the contrary I'd be studying from my books.

It's true that books are man's true friends because they always guide and they can't leave you. That's what is friendship is about isn't it. Someone who is willing to stay however long they have to.

Today is the day I can get back to being normal.

I wake up at 8am and freshen up for school at 9am. This is my final year at trinity high school. The students of this school are far from normal. There are queen bee's, cute and hot boys, desperate wannabe's, normal unexciting students and nerds like me. Just like a burger is nothing without patties, our school won't exist without ragging.

Well that's my cue to go for breakfast.

"Good morning mother, I politely greet her. Mum came home early this morning. Sitting on the kitchen counter I devour my breakfast. Simultaneously I plan out my day's schedule.

Let's just say that Clea cannot reach school on time, and so do I, as she's my ride. Its 20 minutes to nine and my patience is wearing me out. I wanted to set a good example to the teachers as were seniors. My madam arrives at quarter to nine and I immediately rush into the passenger's seat so as to not waste time.

We reach school at 5 minutes to nine and I rush to collect my schedule from the main office. Yay life. As I walk away I hear a silent "sorry" coming from Clea but I don't bother on looking back.

When I reach my first history class, I find ma'am talking about something. Ma'am luckily takes permits me to enter and continues giving out her instructions.

"Psst where were you?" Samantha whispers and I slip into the vacant seat besides her. As I'm about to reply, we both say 'Clea' in unison and giggle. The teacher's strict command of demanding silence was followed as we two fall silent.

History lecture cannot be boring, let me tell you.

Samantha Scott is a pretty girl who doesn't like interacting much but she hell knows about all the happenings of this huge high school. Sammy can chatter endlessly if she likes you. Compared to Clea, it's easier to believe why she's my friend. However she is dating Samuel Walker.

As we leave from history, Samantha fills me with the most recent bit of information.

"Did you know there is a new student joining us this year, and word is he's hot. No one here even knows his name" she told me. "Every girl is desperately waiting for him to arrive. Maybe every one besides you Dan" her face breaks into a grin. "Brooke is already scheming on how to get him to be her boyfriend since he's top class." She says. I strudder hearing this. Brooke is a rich, spoilt brat and her lists of boyfriends are unending.

Brooke and I had been acquaintances till she felt the need to become miss popular and look down on the rest of us. Since then, I began to despise her. Who wouldn't right? However guys woo her so that helps her think more highly of herself.

"Yes Sammy, you're right. I'm least bothered. If he's good looking he's going to have an ego as big as his head. And yes Brooke can drool over him as much as she wants because he's clearly not worth my time." I smile and Sammy just giggles.

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