High School, Lectures And Oh No It's You Again.

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Please do read the author note at the end.

This chapter is dedicated to Y_so_girlish for the amazing cover :*

Your views and reviews will make a significant difference.


The period bell rings indicating all the students to get ready for their  next class. We were given a fifteen minute break in between, cutesy our amazing principal, so we had time in order to take anything  from our respective lockers or get any notes photocopied. As Clea, Sammy, me  and Nicole Alexander, a smart, outgoing girl and another best friend of mine,  take English literature together we opt for seats beside each other.

Even in class, the three of them have buried themselves In the gossip about the new comer whilst the teacher is detailing us about Shakespeare’s ‘Winter Tale.’ As their talk doesn’t concern me or my books, I’m do not pay any attention to them.

Even though our lectures was interesting with the discussions and PowerPoint presentations, Clea walks out of the class yawning with red eyes. "Dan, how can you not feel sleepy in such a boring lecture?  I get so bored.'' Clea ask me.

“Maybe that's because I get proper hours of sleep instead of partying or spending late hours on the Internet, '' I answer. ''Well something is wrong with you, you know. That's what all teenagers do. You're a teen hater I suppose, '' she smiles sarcastically at me. '' Anyway  listen, I will meet you’ll at the locker okay, I need to keep my stuff. Then we’ll leave together. Cool?'' I tell them. The three of them nod in agreement and move towards my locker in the school’s main hall. As I place my belonging in my locker, I happen to notice a commotion. In order to know the reason for all the hype, I lean forward, only  to see the stranger again. Looking at him I could say that he does look nice wearing a black and white striped v- necked  t-shirt and black jeans.  As soon as he catches my eye, he smirks and begins to walk towards me.

My, my, my whom do we have here? The same  girl who is never tired checking me out every single time we meet or should I say when you follow me wherever I go” he comments with a smirk plastered on his face. My Brain begins to work immediately for a comeback so that I don't prove myself stupid.

“Yea jerk head, your ego is just the opposite of your tiny pea sized brain. I wonder how you must have managed getting through the school  door.” I smirk triumphantly.

''So the nerd has good comebacks I see, found them in a book you’ve read?” he asks.

How rude of people taging our  people because of their own opinions. I roll my my eyes at his idiocy. “I'm not a nerd,” I ask annoyed with him.

“Duh. I've never been wrong at reading through people” he says. “Someone who holds books in their hand and least interested in my grand entry is a nerd. You’ll get the point though. Nerds are the left outs of the crowd.”

Ouch! I’m hurt. Even though I’m brainy, no one has ever said that to me.

 I roll my eyes.i think rolling my eyes when he's near is going to become a habit. “Whatever, you and your opinion hardly matter so why should I even bother to be bitter towards you ” I reply with a smile  and walk away from there. This stranger clearly knows how to piss me off. And guess what; my hopes of having a good year is shattered.

As quickly as I can, I walk out from the school premises and make my way home. “Mumma!  I’m home” I yell, just to see my mom get ready to go for her duty at 5pm.

 “Danni, food is in the microwave, don’t open the door for anyone and baby, be safe” she tells me. “Yes mom, I’ll take care. See you soon” I assure her with a smile. Soon after I bid her goodbye and she leaves, I go upstairs to my room.

“I hope my school life isn’t as exciting as it was today” I pray. Somehow I hated attention. And after today’s incident I bet almost anything that's I'm going to be in the spot light for a very long time from now.

If I ponder on what occurred  in school today, there is only one ultimate conclusion. That I literally hate that guy. I really wonder is there even a single nice bone in him. But the worst part is, he reminds me of that certain someone. Someone who's name is had sworn on not saying. Someone I just wanted to forget.

Ignoring all these thoughts that entered brain, I start studying which somehow controls my anger. When I sit to study, time seems to freeze. When I glance at the watch I notice that's  it's just 8pm in the evening. Time seems to be crawling. Since mom is already off for her duty, I’m all alone and bored. Clea probably has her date with Mathew and so will Samuel and Samantha be together. Everyone seems like they're doing something tonight. And here I am.  

So much for not having a loveliness when all your best friends have Commitments. Not that I'm jealous because I know I'm number one for them, but yet. I wonder how it must feel to have someone.

As I’m done with my wash, my phone beeps. “Hey Dan it’s me Sammy. We’re all at cafe bluebird, so why don’t you come too. Will be waiting for you! Okay? Love you Bae. Byeee” she says in one breath and cuts the call with the same speed not giving me a chance to utter a word. I guess that is the result to knowing me very well, that if given a chance I’ll give them the obvious no. I sometimes get worried, about how well Samatha, Clea and Nicole, the three of them, know me.

Having a debate in my mind, I realize that it would be better going to the cafe, then being super bored at home. Hence I don on my favorite  pink skater dress with my jacket in hand, I head towards the café.

It takes me a good half an hour to reach cafe bluebird, which results In my sitting and reading a book on wattpad. As I reach the cafe, I immediately spot all my friends and notice that  they  have  already been seated. Clea, Mathew, Samuel, Sammy, Nicole and the strange boy. I notice that he seems to be everywhere which is annoying. Why does he have to be everywhere!??  After our little quarrel in school, I'm mighty annoyed with him .

Sporting a smile, I wave a hi and smile at everyone. Clea and Sammy being nearest to me, embrace me in a long teddy bear hug. The weird guy make his presence known by saying  “hi Daniel” with a genuine smile.

Being shocked is an understatement as not only after fighting with me this morning, be even speaks to me calling me by my name. Sensing my curiosity and shock, he continues, “don’t worry babe, I’m not stalking you. They told me that a Daniel is expected to be coming” He smirks.

I really am keen on knowing his name and his story. His features are recognizable. Seeing the  eagerness in my actions and my expression less face, he speaks again.

“I’m Nathan. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Hey guys,
This is my first author note, so I intend to keep it short. I have absolutely no idea on how what is written in these author notes.
However, I'd like to thank all of you guys for giving my story a chance. I never expected such a great response from anyone and to tell you'll the truth, I'm honored. A special thanks to all my family and close friends for encouraging and supporting me. I love you'll.
I hope I do not disappoint anyone in any way.
The story would contain many grammatical errors, so it would be great if you'll could help me improve. 
Thank you for your time and love towards this story. It means the world to me. 💖

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