Love of a Faerie Prologue

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Guysss, new story! xD I thought really hard about this, and decided on a faerie theme. Sorry if the terms are too confusing. Tell me if I should just use regular English terms instead of Latin :0. I hope you guys enjoy and VOTE AND COMMENT!!! :D


Mater- Mother

Pater- Father

Avus- Grandfather

Avia- Grandmother

Rex Regis- King

Frater- Brother

Uncle- Avuncul

Regis Filia- Daughter of the King

My name is Elae. I was born and raised in Flos Caeli, the realm of the faeries.

My mater and pater are aristocrats, as was their maters and paters. My avus was supposed to inherit the throne of Flos Caeli from his pater, the Rex Regis. On the day of his coronation, as well as his marriage, Avus ran away from home. He hid away in the dark woods beyond the protection of the faerie guards, and stayed there until Rex Regis agreed to let him marry the wife he chose. When he finally came back to Flos Caeli, he brought a girl with him.

Our kingdom up roared at the sight of her. He broke the law by bringing a human girl with him. The Rex Regis was furious when he realized my avus planned to wed this girl. But a deal was a deal, and he could not go back on his word, as was the faerie law. In exchange for his marriage, Avus did not inherit the throne. His frater, my avuncul, received the throne.

Despite his anger, Rex Regis still loved my Avus dearly, and could not bear to kick him out of the faerie realm. Instead, he took away Avus's title as Crown Prince, and made him a high-level aristoract. In time, Rex Regis realized how wonderful Avia was, and came to love her as a daughter as well.

My avia was a beautiful woman, from the stories that my father told me, and my vague memory. She was said to be very fair, with the brightest green eyes. People say I resemble her, except for my hair. My hair is ever changing, due to my unique affinities.

Typical faeries have one affinity at birth, and usually, that affinity stays with them their whole life. Sometimes, a faerie is born with two affinities, but that is very rare. My mater and pater were one of those rare faeries. They each had two. My mater controlled autumn and spring, the planting and growing seasons. My pater directed winter and summer, the opposite energies.

I inherited all four of those affinities, as well as the attraction. With my attraction, I had the power to decide the fate of all faeries in Flos Caeli. I chose who wedded who, when they should have children, how their lives should be spent, and more.

Obviously, every aristocrat wanted me in his or her house. As was the custom, when a new noble babe is born, and more than one aristocrat house wants him or her, they have the right to battle for the babe.

There are five aristocrat houses in all, including Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter, and Attraction. The fashion is to have the rulers of those houses gather and battle each other using their spirits. It is a complicated process, and I have yet to truly understand the procedure.

My mater and pater ruled four out of five of the houses, so it was understandable that they won. I grew up a very happy child. Mater and Pater treated me lovingly and fairly.

I spent most of my time with the other aristocrat children. Taking lessons on every art in the Faerie Realm, and excelling.

I came to be known as the "Regis Filia", even though I was not Avuncul, the Rex Regis's daughter. He had no daughters though, so there was no squabble for the title. The faerie citizens of Flos Caeli loved me, others simply respected me.

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