Love of a Faerie Ch. 1

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New chapter~! Sorry this is a little short, I wanted to fill you in some more before we got to the action xD. ENJOY!

"Elae! Move!" A voice screamed at me as I sat in a maple tree. My senses heightened and I picked up a slight disturbance in the air. A stray Autumn magic flew towards me with an incredible speed. I instantly reached out my hand, and the Autumn magic halted two inches before my face. I held the magic there, and spread my wings. My wings were most definitely my favorite body part. They were mainly a light transparent blue, with a bit of green and white mixed in. I flew down to the ground.

As I flew down, Noal and a young Autumn faerie rushed towards me. The young faerie's wings were just beginning to spread out of his back. Noal glanced up and down at me, and nodded. "You okay?" Not pausing to give me a chance to respond, he pointed at the horrified faerie beside him and spoke, "This is Trivul. He's a level two Autumn magician. He was practicing shooting arrows using his affinity when it strayed from the path." Trivul looked at his feet and he was beet red. "I am really sorry, Regis Filia. Please forgive me!!!"

I gazed at him, and my attraction took over. It ran through my veins, bidding me to touch the boy and recognize his power. Accepting its command, I reached out and placed my hand on Trivul's forehead. Instantly, a strong course of Autumn rushed out towards me. Giddy with joy, I laughed. "Trivul! It's okay. You'll be a great addition to the Faerie Guard one day! So much power!" This was a very rare happening, when a young faerie possesses the power of a full-grown faerie.

I removed my hand from his forehead, and smiled. "Resume your practice. But take care not to almost-shoot someone again."

"Thank you Regis Filia!" Trivul turned and walked back to the training grounds. I looked thoughtfully at him before turning to Noal.

Noal is my caretaker. He has been with me ever since I was born, seventeen years ago. Faeries live very long, and no matter how much I badger him about it, he will not tell me his age. Despite his mysterious age, Noal looks like he is about twenty. His hair is a light brown, his eyes a strange shade of hazel mixed with specks of gold. Noal stood about 6 feet high, and he walked with a dignified noblety. Noal is another rare faerie. His affinities are Autumn and Spring, just like my mother.

"Elae. Your father wants you to go on an assignment. He'll explain more when you arrive." Without another word, he grabbed my hand, and pulled me high into the air. There, we hovered, taking in the view of Flos Caeli. It never got old, no matter how many times I see it.

To the North, was the Winter terrain. Despite the chilly atmosphere, this was my favorite out of all of Flos Caeli. The lakes were frozen over from over one thousand years of snow, which made it perfect for ice skating. The hills and mountains at the Northern border were great for sledding, and other winter activities. On a very chilly day, you could sit inside and drink hot chocolate, Winter faerie specialty, and relax.

To the East, were the beautiful plains of the Spring faeries. Flowers grew in well cared for gardens, and meadows. There were lakes, sparkling with blue water. The Spring faeries were well-known constructors as well. Their land was filled with fancy marble homes, and everything inside was carved by skillful hands.

To the South, was the Summer faeries' land. Here, the sky was always sunny, and there were rarely storms. Fields were plentiful in sunflowers, and picnickers. The Summer land was the only coast in Flos Caeli. It had one long beach that faeries went to to vacation or enjoy a day by the sea.

To the West, is the land of the Autumn faeries. The woods here were damp, due to the constant rain, but the year-long red toned trees' foliage covered you like an umbrella if you were out for a stroll, or better yet, a fly. On days that weren't rainy, it was a great place to sit in a tree, and relax, like I was doing. Autumn faeries are forever working though, since harvest is practically every day of the year. NO one in Flos Caeli every went hungry as long as Autumn faeries were around.

Noal interrupted my thoughts with a brisk "We're here." I didn't notice we already flew to my home. Despite my heritage, I was not a fan of huge castles filled with empty rooms. Instead, my mater and pater bought a reasonably sized mansion, where we resided.

Turning to Noal, I gave him a peck on the cheek, and walked inside the house. If I had looked back I would've seen that Noal was blushing as he watched me walk inside. If I had seen, maybe things would've turned out differently. If I had seen, maybe I would have rejected what was to come next.

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