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I stood in a lonely corner of the hallway. The locker hallway. I was staring out at all the chics and the way the uniform fitted their figures nicely. Damn. I am turning lesbian.

"Eh woman! What the hell are you doing here? What are you staring at? Oh wait. WHO are you staring at babe?" That was the devil called my bestfriend, Zacharina. Weird name isn't it? I called her Zach though. She was always on the verge of irritating me and disturbing me. But yeah, apparently that is the job of best friends. Sigh.

I know, I know. Most of you guys are wondering why the hell I am being so random but it runs in my blood or something. Anyway, I just realised I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Halzinga Mareef. I know my name sounds weird but that it is because I am actully mozlem. I mean muslim. Mozlem sounds cooler though, right? Maybe, not. Back to my intro. A lot of people call me Zingz as a short form.

And, for the really important stuff... I have really, really, really low self-esteem. Let me put it in a nice way... Ah, forget it. It isn't going to work. I am fat. Like huge fat. Okay, maybe not too huge. I am not morbidly obese in the sense that I require two seats when I am on a bus or train but I am fat enough to be seen. Three layers of tummy rolling. "They see me rollin', they hatin'." Okay, that was ripped off from the song Ridin' Dirty. But, it kind of suits me. They see my three layers of fat and they run away or obviously, I get made fun of. So, I kind of despiced school. In actually more than one way though. Back to the topic. I always get jealous of my siblings because they are really fit. They have a nice figure.

Talking about siblings already. I am the youngest and that doesn't mean freedom, mind you. It means I get controlled for every shit thing I do. I know. I am not the most religious kid. I am mozlem yet I curse a lot. Hey, but I don't have severe bad habits like taking drugs alright. And, I pray five times a day and I fast. But, look that is so not important now. I just so hate it when I sidetrack. Which is like always? I was mentioning about my siblings, an elder brother and an elder sister. Well, my brother isn't at home much because he studies in Yale. Smart, right? And may I add, he is taking medicine and going to be this oh-so-smarty-pants doctor? Yeah. And I live in one of the sub-urb areas in UK. So, you see the distance between my brother and me are far apart.

My sister studies in the community college in my town;she is currently pursuing her third year in business. And here I am like a superhero, just studying in a highschool in my town and yeah, I am in my senior year, Woohoo, graduation is on its way. But, I have to go through the whole shitty GCSE thing and it is killing me. Literally. My brain cells are probably dying.

Anyway, on a more serious note, life for me sometimes just wasn't easy. I mean life is different for everyone and everyone goes through different obstacles. Mine are different though. Well, yeah.

So, yes. I was actually standing in a locker hallway and narrating my whole lifestory. How more awesome can I get? So yes, Zach just came and intruded my daily dosage of one-minute-of-staring-at-long-legs. Some girls just had those curves as well. Did I mention that already?

"ZINGZ! EARTH TO ZINGZ!" Zach screamed in my ears.

"Can you just shut it for a while woman? Can't you see I am having my moment of the day?" I retorted at her.

"If you eye guys, like hot football or soccer hunks, then fine. But you loser, keep eyeing girls. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

"Well they have something I don't have. The body. Come on don't expect me to look in the mirror and compliment myself alright? How do you expect me to do such a thing with a weight of 145pounds and a height of 5'2feet?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"You and your low self-esteem... I am done with pointing out your beautiful facial features to you. That sharp nose. Those big eyes. Having asian blood gives you an exotic look which you will never discover until you start looking at yourself differently." With that, Zach just turned away in another direction. We have this conversation, say... Every single freaking day without fail. I wonder if tomorrow will be different. I turned away from the hallway and walked to the schoolgate to catch the bus home. My life is so boring. True story people, true story indeed.

A/N: First chapter. Pardon my mistakes. I haven't had time to edit this. Thank you! (:

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