Chapter 11.

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“Oh my GOD! Dude! Stop it already!” I continued giggling. Hudson was tickling my ears. Who ever knew that a human could be ticklish at the ear out of all places?

“Argh! STOP!” I screamed once more.

Was it me or was Hudson’s face getting closer to mine. He abruptly stopped tickling my ears and slowly slid down his palms over my cheeks. By now, his face was so close to mine.

“Zingz… Has anyone told you that your eyes are a lovely shade of brown?”

Hudson bored his eyes into mine. I was feeling hot all over.


“Shh! Don’t say a word.” He tilted my head to the right where there was a ray of sunlight.

“Zingz. I don’t know what to say.”

“Hudson, please don—“


I jerked up from my sleep. Slowly I touched my face. What the hell was that dream all about? I turned over to my bedside and checked the time from my phone. Freaking 5.17am in the morning. I turned back and plopped myself onto my bed. It was dark but there was just a small ray of light from the streetlights entering my room. I didn't think I could go back to sleep. I stared up at my ceiling. It felt so real but I wasn't supposed to be having such dreams. Or was it a nightmare? Nobody jerks up from their dream, do they? 

I had a small clue why I couldn't sleep well. Just before I went to sleep I had messaged Hudson. But to no avail. I kept getting paranoid and checked my phone every five seconds or so. This is always happened. I kept anticipating Hudson's messages all the time. But whenever I saw his name on my phone, my eyes would pop out just like the text message. Why he or his name had that effect on me was something I was trying to avoid. 

I couldn't help it. Since the day I banged into him, things were going so smooth sailing in our friendship. But then, I realised sometimes I still wanted more out of the friendship. Especially when we were alone. It wasn't exactly a secret anymore that I and Hudson were pretty good friends. People started to be more accepting of it. Back to my feelings, I was just so confused. Sometimes, all I wanted was a good guy bestie I would hang out with and sometimes I just wish we could discreetly hold hands or something. But that felt wrong on all levels and Hudson would definitely not appreciate such an act.

On top of that I kept having to tell myself that Hudson just isn't a muslim. I should just find for a muslim guy and not have some absurd fantasy of a mixed marriage. Heck I am not even supposed to be this close to a guy but I have been in co-ed school for years. I can't just run away whenever I see someone from the male species.

Sighing I sat up and leaned against my bed's headboard. I took my phone and scrolled up to the earlier messages from Hudson. Half the time I was just smiling so widely. Oh God was I really falling for Hudson? That just can't be it. Smiling over his messages was a bad, bad sign.

AN: Hey guys. Just a real short chapter with Halzinga's thoughts. It has been some time since I updated. Anyway, I think this story won't reach beyond 25 chapters. I already have a new story planned out and I have started writing it. It is handwritten though. I will probably transfer it over WHEN I finish with this story. Because that might be like a part 2 to this story. But it is more religious and cultural based, YET it is a love story. Hope to finish this one soon cos I am sure the 2nd is much better. This is unedited. Thanks alot for the wait guys. Love y'all. Try to update soon. Peace. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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