Chapter 7.

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I slowly locked the main door to my house as quietly as possible and went to my room, hoping my parents would not see me. I had to put on my sweatshirt over Hudson's t-shirt so as to not get a interrogation session by my parents. They have always been very particular about my socialising ways and they hated that I had guy friends. I understand it isn't exactly encouraged by my religion. Relationships before marriage is kind of a total no-no unless a couple really have feelings for each other and  keep themselves away from physical contact and end up getting married. Either ways I only had like five friends in total and other than Zach, Stacey and Kelly, the rest of my friends were guys, like Jason. Saves so much trouble and drama, that is what the parentals can never understand. 

I closed my room door and took off the sweatshirt. Then it occurred to me I could have just worn my sweatshirt without my wet shirt. I ignored that redundant thought of mine and stood in front of my mirror. I slowly turned left and slowly turned right. Yes, I was still 145 pounds and still had quite a belly but I felt more confident somehow. Never have I worn another boy's shirt so this was something to me... I realised I had been smiling since the walk with Hudson. Yes, it was a lot about Lola but we still side-tracked a bit. Almost no one were on the streets and we occassionally looked at each other and shook our heads or smiled at each other. The only thing that I felt amiss was perhaps, my hand in his. 

I didn't understand why I was even getting such weird thoughts. I guess it was the fact that no guy had treated me so nice and it felt kind of right to me. But, a christian guy and a muslim girl? Will it ever work out? Not at least with my parents. I felt too old for it as well. Most of my cousins got married off in their early twenties. I was almost eighteen and with the kind of parents I had, I would probably face the same situation in the future as well. On the other hand, I felt I was a bit too young. Way too conflicting thoughts. I still had to graduate from high school. Get my A-level certificate and go apply for a college and finish college and start working and then comes in the thought for forming a family. That does sound like a really long time doesn't it? 

I just wished sometimes... I hadn't even started socialising with Hudson. In that way, I could have just continued with my own thinking that all football jocks are arrogant and despicable jerks. It felt like this was another test being posed by God. Why God, why? 

I heaved a sigh and slowly took off the Hudson's jersey. I took a final sniff from it. I changed into my some bermudas and a t-shirt and went off to put the jersey in the laundry. I walked back to my room and closed the door when someone knocked on it. My sister came in. I didn't even realise she was home. 

"Hey Zingz."

"Hey Sista. 'Sup? Need anything?"

"Not really. I kind of wanted to ask you something..."

Her hesitance made my heart beat slightly faster. I hope I wasn't getting into trouble. My sister continued,

"I just saw you with that buff guy. Is there something you need or want to tell me?"

"No. Absolutely not. Why?"

"You guys seemed close so I was just asking."

"Please don't tell me you are going to mention this to Mum and Dad. That will be the end of me. You know, I know, we all know."

"No, I won't, but he's just your friend?"

"Yeah. Look. I know you don't exactly believe me."

"No, I nev-"

"I know you sis. Too well. If you want to know the truth, here it is. That guy you saw is just my friend. He... I am helping him out with this girl that he likes. That is it. Just take one look at him and anyone will be able to see he doesn't go for girls like me."

My sister raised her eyebrow.

"Well, in that case. I have nothing to say. Just stay out of trouble alright? Especially with our parents."

"I get it. And, please don't have this expectation that just because you don't have guy friends, I can't have them too."

I turned back to face my desk and didn't turn back until I heard the clicked of my door shutting. Family members are so hard to deal with sometimes. I officially felt my good mood having been destroyed. I typed out a text.

"Ugh. Life sucks. I feel like exploding sometimes. Sigh." That literally translated to "please to talk to me, I am begging you". I really wanted to sent it to Zach but something in me wanted to send it to Hudson instead. I scrolled to his name and pressed on the SEND putton after a good minute of hesitation and thoughts. I kept checking my phone every five minutes. But it was to no avail. The frequency of me checking my phone increased and I still haven't felt any vibration or notification. Nothing at all. Did that day's evening mean nothing after all? I went to bed about midnight with a heavy heart. I tossed and turned and finally fell asleep. 

I woke up the next morning and my hand instinctively reached out for my phone. There were still no signs of a new text message. My heart literally felt. I could feel the thud. I went back to check the text I had sent. Maybe it accidentally didn't get sent. But it was already sent. My eyes became dry and and my own words came haunting back to me...

"I am helping him out with this girl that he likes. That is it. Just take one look at him and anyone will be able to see he doesn't go for girls like me."

Nothing had changed.

A/N: Sorry about the late update. School's starting soon for me so I have been busy. Pardon me. This is unedited so sorry for the mistakes as well. Hope to update soon! Oh and do comment your views, good or bad. Cheers! (:

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