School Birthday

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" What's the time?" Tikki asks as she wakes up. "Marinette?" Marinette wakes up and turns on her iPad. 

"School starts in..." she checks the time sleepily "20 minutes ago?" Marinette gets up off of her desk and gets ready for school hurriedly. She rushes out the door and runs to school. Marinette gets to her classroom and enters quietly. 

"Where have you been?" Alya whispers as she sits down next to her. 

"I slept in" Marinette whispered innocently. Alya made a sure-you-did face but kept quiet. After class, Alya and Marinette go down to the bench they normally sit at. 

"Ok, what's bugging you?" Alya asked after a small moment of silence.

"Well..." Marinette started "It's Adrien's birthday tomorrow and I don't know what to get him"

Marinette's pov.

I felt so weird telling Alya my problems. But I need to tell someone. Alya gave me advice and when I got home, I got straight to work. I stayed up late making his present to perfection. This year I was gonna tell him that I made his present. Not his father.

The Next Day...

I wake up and jump out of bed. I can't wait to get the day started. I get dressed, grab Adrien's present and rush out the door without having breakfast. I rush to school, careful not to be too early or too late. I don't stop when Alya came to give me confidence. 

"I'm going to do it, Alya," I say with confidence "It's now or never" 

"Good on you, girl" Alya smiles. I keep walking until I get to Adrien. I go to speak but, as usual, the words refused to reach my mouth. I forced them up.

"Hey, Adrien" I manage to say casually. 

"Hey, Marinette. What's up?" Adrien greets me. 

"I... uh... made this for you" I hold out a black box with a green ribbon. I didn't even mean to, I was just thinking of Cat Noir at the time. So it was just a coincedence "Happy Birthday"

"Oh... thanks so much" he takes the box with a huge smile on his face. "Can I ask you something?"

"Uh..." I stutter "Sure?" I say unsurely. Adrien leans in and stops as my ear. I feel very warm and I'm probably blushing.

"Could you meet me at the park after school?" he asks and then leans away.

"Uh... sure... I guess" I smile awkardly. 

"Great" he says happily "See you then" then the bell goes and he walks away. 

"You did awesome" Alya shouts, running up to me. 

"Yeah" I smile. 

"What did he tell you?" she asks curiously

"Well... he wants me to meet him at the park after school" I say weirdly. 

"Wow" Alya hugs me, obviously excited "Are you gonna go?"

"Alya! What kind of question is that? Of course I'm going. Why wouldn't I?" I say very quickly.

"Ok, ok" Alya laughs "By the way, what did you get him" I giggle.

"I'll tell you tomorrow" we walk into class and take our seats. The new girl, Lavender, is in a seat up the back. I smile and wave at her and she smiles back. I can't wait to say hello to her become her friend. 

After school...

Today couldn't have gone better. Lavender was now my friend, but she likes Adrien... Like Lila, she went to the library with him. I eavesdropped on them (I know I shouldn't have, but I just couldn't help myself). She's exactly like Lila, lying and all. But one thing about her is different... She's my friend. No doubt she'll get Akumatized, but Cat Noir and I will be there to stop her when she eventually does.

"Hey, mom" I say happily when I get home. 

"Hi, Marinette" she smiles. "You were in a rush this morning"

"Oh... um... yeah" I stutter embarrasingly "It's Adriens birthday today and I wanted to give him his present before he got into class"

"Oh, cool" my mom says. 

"And... Can I meet Adrien at the park?" I ask

"Of course, Marinette" she says "Have fun"

"I will" I wave behind me as I rush out the door. I walk slowly to the park, just to make sure I'm not early. But he's already there.

"Hey, Marinette" Adrien greets me as I enter the park and sit down on a bench next to him. 

"Hey, Adrien" I smile at him

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

How do you like my book so far? Comment if you want to know what happens next. Will Lavender get Akumatized? What will happen next? 

~ LadybugCat

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