The Unexplained Natural Disaster

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Adrien and I talk about school and his birthday. He seems pretty happy. I let him talk most of the time because the words could hardly ever come to my mouth. Just as six o'clock dawn on me, I regrettably have to tell him that I need to go. "It's alright, Marinette," he says putting a hand on my shoulder, he obviously realises how much I regret telling him that "See you tomorrow" We get up, but suddenly, the ground shakes. I grip onto the bench to keep me steady and Adrien does the same. After two minutes, the shaking stops. "What was that?" Adrien asks.

"I have no clue," I say without thinking "I'd better go and see if my family is alright" 

"Alright, same here" he rushes off. I run home and rush in the door. Nothing has changed since I left except for the customers and my mother's working instead of my father. I try to calm myself down and walk past my mother, but she stops me.

"Marinette?" she asks

"Yes?" I stop

"Are you alright?" 

"Yes, just tired"

"Alright then. Off you go" I went up to my room, relieved my dad didn't stop me. I went straight to bed without even thinking."Good night, Tikki," I say tiredly to my kwami.

"Good night, Marinette," Tikki says in her high-pitched voice.

In the morning...

"Good morning, Marinette," Tikki says as I wake up and stretch. 

"Good morning, Tikki" I yawned as I dragged myself out of bed. I got dressed slowly and went downstairs. "Morning, mom," I wave as I leave the house. I didn't have breakfast, I didn't really think about it. As I walk to school, I started to wake up a little bit. I got to school and Alya came up to me. I've been wanting to talk to her about the sudden earthquake last night. 

"Hey, Marinette" Alya greets me, smiling.

"Hey, Alya," I say quietly "I've been wanting to talk to you"

"Cool... me too," Alya says happily.

"You go first" I offer

"Thanks" she gets out her phone and turns it on. "I got an interview with Lavender yesterday afternoon. She said she'd been saved by Ladybug loads of times and she's even friends with her... Isn't that great?" she shows me her phone and plays a video. The video shows Lavender talking about Ladybug. 

"Ladybug has saved me loads of times" she brags "And we're like this" she crosses her fingers and the video ends. If only she would stop lying like Lila had. 

"I've posted it up on the LadyBlog so people can watch it and know that Ladybug actually has real friends" Alya explains

"Cool," I try to sound excited "Can I talk to you about last night?"

"Sure," she says, focusing on turning off her phone.

"Did you feel the earthquake last night?" I asked. Alya put her phone in her pocket and stares at me in shock.

"There was an earthquake last night?" she asks in excitement. I sigh. I knew that she wouldn't have known. No one, except Adrien and I, knows about the earthquake. It's so weird. 

"Oh... nevermind" I wave my hand, dismissing the subject. Just then, Adrien's car shows up and he jumps out and waves to the car as it drives away. He then turns and waves at me. I try to wave as casually as I can. Adrien smiles and then walks over to Nino. I watch as Lavender walks out of the school, her long blonde hair flowing behind her as she walks towards us really fast. 

"Hey, guys," she says when she's just a few steps away. I smile.

"Hey, Lavender" I wave. Alya just waves. "What's up?" I ask

"Nothing much" she says casually "But... I do have this sort of crush" she lowers her voice.

"Oh my gosh," Alya jumped with joy "Who is it? Tell us, tell us"

"Well..." she whispers "Adrien" I froze. Adrien? The guy I have a crush on? But how? Why her? She's so much more mature than I am and so much prettier. Adrien could easily fall for her. I'm freaking out so much that I can't talk. I mean, I know that she likes him but, I never knew that she liked him this much. So much that she would tell friends. Us. Even though I knew, I couldn't help freaking out silently.

"Marinette?" Alya shakes me, but I take no notice "Are you alright? Marinette?" 

"I need to go," I say without thinking "Sorry" I run off into the school, suddenly aware of the tears in my eyes. I run to the bathroom and lock myself in a cubicle. I know this is 7th-grade stuff, but I can't stand someone prettier than me liking Adrien. When the bell rings, I stand up, unlock the door and walk over to a sink. I splash my face with water so that no one knows I've been crying. Then I walk out and go to class. 

"Where have you been?" Alya whispers as I sit down next to her. I just ignore her and pay attention to the teacher. "Ok, we'll talk at lunch. By the way, we told Adrien you were upset or some reason and he went looking for you" For the first time since I walked into class, I notice that Adrien's not in his seat. "He's worried about you, Marinette" 

"Alya" Ms Bustier calls her name "No speaking in class. You know the rules"

"Sorry, Ms Bustier," Alya says and she doesn't speak to me for the rest of the lesson. 

After School...

Adrien never showed up to the first class, but he did turn up to the rest. He wanted to talk to me, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. 

"Marinette" Adrien calls out. I'm sitting on a bench in front of the canal. Adrien comes running down the stairs, but I just ignore him. "Marinette" he calls again, but he's closer this time. I look away, but I'm still unable to control my bubbling emotion that I feel in my chest every time I'm near him. "Marinette please" his voice comes from right beside me now. I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling because, after all, he is still my biggest crush. 

"Marinette please" he repeats "You need to talk to someone" At his words, I stand up and turn to him.

"No... I don't" I say and manage a straight face. Then I turn and stalk away, a smile forces its way up to my mouth and I bite my lip again. I go straight home and up to my room, greeting my parents on the way so they don't get suspicious. I put my bag down on my chair and flop down the bed that's on the floor. A few minutes later, someone knocks on my bedroom door.

"Marinette?" my mother calls "Can I come in?"

"Uh... sure, mom" I call back from my bed and I sit up. My mother climbs up and into my room, then she walks over to the bed and sits in front of me. 

"There's someone here to see you," she says gently. 

"Who?" I ask, not out of curiosity but out of shock. 

"Would you like me to send them up?" she asks

"Who?" I repeat my question, with the same tone of voice.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Who do you think had the nerve to go to Marinette's house. Comment below and I might even give you the answer in the comments if you get it right. Why do you think Marinette didn't actually want to talk to Adrien? What will happen next? Find out soon :P 

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