A Visit From A Special Someone

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My mother leaves.

"You can go up" I hear her from downstairs "I'll just warn you that she is a little bit snippy when she's angry or upset" I hear the creak in my loose floorboard and turn away from the noise. I don't want to talk to anyone right now, I want to be on my own. I then feel the mattress flop down at the end of my bed.

"Hey, Marinette," a familiar voice says. Adrien's voice. I might as well talk to him. I don't want him to get the impression that I don't like him. I turn and face him. Trying to make my face as straight as possible without adding any emotion. "Please... Tell me what's wrong" he puts a hand on my shoulder and I can't stop the swelling in my chest. It makes it hard to breathe sometimes and it only happens when I'm around Adrien. It's weird. I manage to keep a straight face, except it goes into a sort of sad state. I look down and then back up at him. Then I shake my head.

"You'll laugh at me" I whisper sadly. 

"I promise I won't" he promises.

"And then you will" I promise him sadly. I hang my face, but then something happens. The whole room shakes. I fall the bed and onto the floor and Adrien thumps down onto the floor. I land on my stomach, knocking the wind out of myself. The shaking stops and nothing in the room has moved. Still unable to breathe, I get up off of the floor and sit down on my bed. I try to catch my breath but nothing works. It gets to a point where I feel dizzy. 

"Marinette?" Adrien asks, getting off the floor "Are you alright?" I shake my head and then feel my face turn red. I'm unable to breathe properly, but I can't say that because I can form words. "What's wrong?" I lay down slowly on my side and try to breathe slowly. "Marinette. What's wrong?" his face looks worried and his voice sounds panicky. What do I do to let him know that I can't talk? I open my mouth to try to speak, but nothing comes out. What do I do? I have no clue. I can't breathe, I feel dizzy, I have no clue how this could happen like this. I've had the wind knocked out of me before, but it didn't take this long to start breathing again. Adrien doesn't talk for a while, just sits there with a worried look on his face. He sits me up and rubs my back. It helps and I eventually start to breathe again. I gulp down huge lung-fulls of air. I start to cough and then Adrien leaves in a rush. He comes back up with a glass of water. Why is he being so nice? He's usually never this nice. I drink the water and try to calm down. 

"Are you alright?" Adrien asks, a bit less worried. 

"I think so," I say breathlessly. 

"Just calm down and breathe" he instructs calmly. I nod my head and do as he says. How hard could this be? 

A few moments later...

I must've fallen asleep because, when I open my eyes, the light coming in from the window is dim. Adrien is still in my room, but he's talking on the phone.

"But why?... No, she needs a friend... I can't leave her on her own" he talks into the phone. I assume he's talking to his father and about me. "But I want to take care of her myself... Please father... No, no I... Please" he's begging know. But one thing I don't understand, why is he helping me? "No, it's fine. Her mother said... Oh..." his face turned sad. I stand up, off of the bed and walk across the room over to him. I guess I shouldn't be shy anymore. Why was I even shy before? Because I was afraid of saying the wrong thing. I hold out my hand for the phone, but he puts his finger. Telling me to wait. I try to wait patiently as he tries to talk his father into letting him stay. "Oh please, father... No, no. It's only for one night... Please, I swear... Fine, if it makes you feel better, then Nathalie can come pick me up tomorrow afternoon... Ok, ok... Morning then... But, why... Ok, Marinette wants to talk to you... Ok, then" he hands me the phone.

"Hello," I speak into the phone.

"Hello, Marinette," Mr. Agrest says in his deep voice "You seem to be fine. Adrien has told me you hurt yourself" 

"Yes, I did, but I feel better now and..." I try to explain, but he cuts me off.

"Well, then if you feel better. I guess my son won't be staying at your house tonight" he says seriously.

"I want him to stay" I look at Adrien to his reaction. He looks shocked at my words and I smile at him. "And I also need him to stay, just so that my mom doesn't have to check on me every time..." he cuts me off again.

"I see. You want my son to do all the hard work for your mom" he explains things incorrectly for me.

"No, no. He'll be in the room with me" I explain 

"Ok, then. He can stay. But for one night only and he'll be picked up in the morning. Have you got that, Miss Dupain-Cheng?" 

"Yes, sir" I agree formally. 

"Ok, then. Goodbye" and then the line cuts off. I give the phone back to Adrien and he turns it off, knowing that his father has hung up.

"What did he say?" he asks curiously.

"He said that you could one night only and you'll be picked up in the morning" I explain to him. He nods and smiles. 

"I'm glad he actually let me stay over" 

"Yeah" I agree quietly. 

"So... um... One question" he says suddenly 

"Of course" I nod my head.

"What's with all the pictures of me all over your room?" he asks casually. I look around my room and feel my cheeks go red. Drat! I completely forgot that I had pictures of him all over my room. I return to my shy state again.

"Oh... um... it's a Science project" I lie. 

"Ok, cool" he doesn't question and I'm relieved that he doesn't. I sigh and lie back down on my bed. I'm still exhausted and I need to sleep some more. "You get some rest, upright," he says, walking across the room to me. He sits on the bed. 

"Where are you going to sleep?" I ask, suddenly upright. I get up and start to gather blankets and pillows. He giggles and then I remember my bed on the top of my desk. I mentally facepalm and start to put the blankets and pillows back. "You can sleep up there" I point to the bed above my desk and he nods. I lie back down, but he doesn't move. He starts to rub my arm and it helps me get to sleep. 

In the Morning...

I open my eyes and check my clock. It's only 9 o'clock in the morning. I'm glad I slept in. I usually don't sleep in on weekends. I get out of bed and walk to my desk. I sit in my chair and turn on my computer. I have 2 new emails from Alya. I check them, but they're just reminders to check the LadyBlog. I notice that Adrien isn't in bed, but his phone is. I call his father.

"Hello. Has Nathalie came to pick up Adrien yet?" I ask

"No. Why?" he asks

"Ok, thanks. Bye" I say ignoring his question and hanging up the phone. I rush the downstairs and fall right into him. He breaks my fall by catching me. 

"Careful," he says pulling me upright. 

"Thanks," I say, scratching the back of my neck. 

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. How did you like this chapter? Comment below the rating out of... um... let's go with... Out of 10 Ladybugs. I'm going to do a little challenge for you guys. If we can get 10 votes for this chapter my the end of next week, then I might post up a chapter before my birthday (the 24th of May). 

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