Words Left Unsaid

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  • Dedicated to Steven

Tears fall

Smearing the ink

The words blurring beneath the tears

A constant pain

A constant presence

In the empty chasm

Of my heart and mind.

Words now left unsaid

Day drift by

Never have I felt

A pain such as this.

Never have I felt

So abandoned and lost.

You leave the words unsaid

You ignore me all together

Never have I felt

So cheated and used.

Words are a dangerous thing

Even when left unsaid.

A feeling of heart break

Begins to unfold

As constant days dwindle past

Without a word form you

Silence is a force,

Just as deadly and venom-ness

As words spoken

Actions and deeds,

No matter the intention,

Can prove deadly as well.

So if you love me,

Like I hope you do

The words unsaid

Will be announced

And an explanation

Will be given

As to why you did

The things that you did.

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