More Traveling

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I decided I would spend the night at the store and then get up in the morning to buy some stuff for my trip. I fell asleep almost instantly, I was so tired.
When I woke up the next morning there was another worker on duty. I gathered up a box of crackers, three water bottles, a can of ravioli, a pack of pens, and a pretty plain notebook that said "random crap" on it. Then headed for the checkout counter. My total was $5.00. That is not much. From there I headed out onto the streets. I walked for about an hour down a busy street with alot of people walking to the or jobs. I needed a job but i was only a twelve year old run-away. I continued to walk down the sidewalk until I found a nice park with kids playing. Setting all my stuff down on one of the picnic tables, I realized I was now homeless. I watched all they kids play. Some of them came with friends but most of them came with their parents. It kinda made me sad looking at them, but as my mom always said I was hard core. There was one kid who sat all by himself with a backpack and phone. He seemed tk have everything he needed in his backpack. Every once in a while he would look up from his phone and get something out of it. I had pretty much decided that he was running away like me, when I heard my phone buzz. When I got it out of my backpack to check on it a follow request on Instagram appeared on my screen. Before I accepted the request I had to look at their account. Their username was run_away_forever_31, their profile picture was very similar to the guy who was sitting next to me's face. I have to admit he was kinda cute. I walked over to him and awkwardly said yes. "You got it?" He asked
"Are you running away?" I asked
"Are you?" He asked.
Then I got up and left the park somehow knowing he would follow. He did. He followed me all the way until I got to the convenience store about a mile away from my house. Then he stopped.
"I know where you live." He said standing behind me.
Then I got kinda well really scared.
"STALKER!!!!!!!" I screamed. I ran forwards for a few yards and ducked behind the building. But of course he found me. We both broke out with laughter, we laughed until we were both doubled over laughing. We laughed for a few minutes and then started walking down the alley between the convenience store and the other building on the other side. There were tons of fire escape ladders on each side. He looked for the fourth one on the right side and climbed up, motioning for me to follow. What have I got to loose? I thought. I could loose my life but who really cares? I struggled to climb up the ladder but he seemed to climb up it easily. When we got to the top he leaped into an apartment. "Who's apartment?" I asked.
"My uncle."
"Will he let us in?"
There was a couch to his left and a table to his left.

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