Chapter 10 - Sweet Dreams Or ..

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Arthur's POV

So far living with Eve has been pretty good. Even though temptation is killing a brother I'm trying to keep sane. I've been trying to build the courage to ask her on a date.

I mean it's the least I can do after all we both are working day and night are the hospital. She hasn't been out since the club and the flower incident. I mean I don't blame her but I wanna see her smiling more often. Even when she comes home she cooks and cleans and takes Coco for walk. I've told her constantly not worry about those things but she insist that she help. Naturally she has been used to cooking and cleaning because she was catering to that bastard, I want to be the one to cater to her. She hasn't been catered by a man ever and I want to show her that she can be too.

It's almost my break and I haven't yet cross paths with Eve yet. Today has been busy needless to say. I had a man that was in the E.R for breaking his leg from falling off a ladder at his construction site, a little girl comes in for stitches on her forehead because she fell off the monkey bars at the park. Why wasn't the guardian not watching her closely baffles me and the list of people coming in because of headaches and 'tummy aches' and one woman almost gave birth on the E.R floor. The list keep growing as time passed. I have yet to home and right now that's what I want to do.

After signing a release paper for one of my patients I was on my way home for a well deserved shower. I hear can hear Tati coming out the lounge and Eve was right behind her laughing about something.

You can automatically tell she is relaxed and is enjoying the conversation she's having with Tati. Her beautiful exotic eyes are glowing with excitement and her smile is so contagious that I can't help but smile with them.

"Would you ladies like to tell me what's so funny" I said as I walked up to them.

"Oh Eve was just telling me about your cookie monster boxers" Tati said so calmly.

"Oh is that so. Did she mention her Scooby Doo short shorts" I said raising an eyebrow looking over at eye. She suddenly stops laughing and was looking at me.

"Arthur you know I don't have those shorts anymore".

"Yeah after I told you to throw them out Evie" Tati said laughing even harder.

"Yeah whatever. Bye child" Eve said walking away rolling her eyes.

"Wait Eve. Can I ask you something".

"Uh sure". 

She looks more nervous than I do.

"I was wondering if you weren't busy on Sunday if you wanted to go out somewhere with me".

I'm hoping she says yes. I mean I would understand if she says no but I'm really hoping for a yes.

"Eh I don't know Art".

"She'll go" Tati said butting in.

Eve turned around and gave Tati a stern look. All Tati did was grin and hugged Eve.

"Well Sunday it is". With that I left the two ladies there. It’s now time I go home for a nice shower and some sleep.

"Wait Art"

I turned around "Yeah Eve".

"Um I left your dinner in the microwave in case you go home" she said nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

"Thanks Eve but you know you didn't have too".

She rolled her eyes because she knows I'm right.

"I know but I couldn't help it" she said in a kid's voice.

"Thanks baby girl and bye Tati" I laughed and walked away.

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