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2 years later....

"What is taking you so long Eve? We have to get this show on the road" Tati yelled from behind the door.

"I'm almost done Tati! You're more in a rush than I am" Eve yelled back.

Eve stared at the person that stood before. She never thought she would be smiling so much as she did now. If someone told her she would be in love and getting married to the man of her dreams she would've gave them the look.

Her hands ran down the custom made Vera Wang wedding dress. It was all lace white with a sweetheart neckline that was strapless with a long train in the back. Her hair was done in long luscious curls that fall down her back a veil that was waiting to be place on her head with a small tiara that Tati insist on getting. 

Eve's makeup was flawless nothing but the best but it also came out looking natural. She glances down at the engagement ring and smiled at the memories that resurface of that day.

She was talking to Briana at the main desk when her beeper went off and told her to go to room 222, which was at the end.

She thought nothing of it just another person she had to help. Little did she know she would soon be the person who needs help? She ran to the room where a man was having seizure. In no time the whole room was busy with a few other nurses and doctors strapping the man down to calm him down.

Eve was barking orders to get the man to a stable state. The man reaches for Eve and she felt as though that was strange, extremely strange. The room was quieted that you could hear tissue fall.
Slowly she walks to him and he grabbed her hand and tugged her to him. Eve was a little scared because this is the first time that a patient has done this.

"Come closer" he said in a raspy voice.

"What is it" Eve practically whispered making sure she kept some type of distance.

"Will you marry Arthur" the strange man said.

"What" was all came out her mouth. She had this stunned express what the hell is this man talking about.

"You heard him, will you marry Arthur" a voice in the crowd said that had gathered around the room. 

She looked in shock as the room was filled with all her colleagues and even some of the patients. The crowd parted as a handsome dressed up Arthur came into view with a cute Coco came a long side with him on a leech. Stunned was far from what Eve was feeling. She couldn't believe what was going on, one minute she was saving a life then the next she being asked to be married.

"What is going on.. here Arthur" she stuttered out.

"I just came here to talk to you Eve" he said smoothly.

"I don't get what's going on" she said confused and annoyed.

Arthur took a deep breath; it's now or never he told himself.
"Eve, my princess, my nurse, my fighter but most importantly my baby girl. Not one day has gone by where I haven't thought about you and how much I need you in my life. I remember the first time I saw you I wanted to take you into my arms and protect you from all harm. Everything about you is amazing, from your eyes, lips, personality and body". Eve couldn't help but blush at his comment.

"You're a fighter and everyone in this room knows it even Coco. No one makes me happy more than you do. I wake up with a smile on my face because you're right by my side and am not going anywhere. I have come to love you more and more each day and I don't ever regret saying I love you and letting you into my heart but one thing I regret doing and it's this" he said pulling Eve closer to him. 

Eve frowned thinking what the hell. Arthur got on one knee and took out a mint green jewelry box. She gasped and her hands flew to her mouth as tears slowly started to fall down her face.

He opened the box and reveal a 12 carat rose gold engagement ring. The same exact ring she remember telling Arthur she wanted. She didn't want a traditional silver or gold engagement ring, something more out the box is what she wanted. He definitely went outside the box hence the mint green box.

"Eve Rose Carter will you marry me" Arthur said. She looks at those green orbs and he look as nervous as she did, maybe borderline panicky. He is the man she wanted and needed to spend the rest of her life with.

She shook her head "yes Art, yes" she flew into his arms hugging him tightly. She moved away so he could place the ring on her finger where it rightfully belonged.

She looked at the ring and smiled because she was the luckiest girl on earth right now. Everyone cheered and clapped and wish her and Arthur congrats even the 'dying man'.

"Wait so you guys knew about this" she asked completely shock.

"Yes girl, I mean duh" Tati said as she appeared from the door.

"But you were having a seizure" she turned around to look at the man.

"I know I problem did but it's my job" he said smiling at her as he got off the stretcher.

She looked confused. 

"I'm an actor Eve" he chuckled.

"No way" her eyes got big as it clicks.

"Yes way, just doing what I was told to" he said looking at Arthur. 

Arthur gave the guy whose name was Robert a hand shake and congratulated them.

"How could you" Eve said smacking Arthur on his chest.

"Ouch Eve! You said you didn't want typical so I didn't do typical clearly".

"I know but I didn't expect all this".

"So what all I want is the best for my baby girl" he said kissing her cheek.

"Nice save Art" Travis said coming into the room.

"Now can we start planning a wedding I have so many ideas Evie. I was thinking we should all black wedding and you come out in white. Now that's cute, real cute". Eve shook her head as her friend babbled about more ideas. 

Nothing could ruin her high right now not ever.

"Eve if you don't get ya ass out here in 1 second this wedding will be a funeral instead" Tati threatened while a few of Eve's bridesmaids giggled.

The door flew open "don't start with Tati was just making sure everything look fine ugh you're so annoying".

Tati and the other bridesmaids look on with shock once Eve stepped out the room into the main room of the church. The bridesmaids’ dresses were a soft long pink dress that was strapless and hugged the curves in all the right places but nothing compared to seeing Eve in her gorgeous wedding dress.

"What guys, y'all are scaring me" Eve let out a scarred giggle.

They shook their heads.

"You look beyond amazing Eve" Caroline said giving her a hug.

"She looks beyond amazing, she looks like a princess" Tati said.

"That indeed she is" Mr. Wilson said giving Eve a big warm smile.

"Thanks guys I feel like a princess" she said running her hands through her hair.

"You should princess, it's your day plus it cost too much money for you not to be. Now that I think about I might have to sell my house to pay for the rest of the wedding" he joked.

Eve laugh and hit him "oh please dad. You and Arthur said I can have whatever I wanted".

It was true; Arthur was originally going to pay for everything but his father Alan said he would pitch in because he loved his 'third daughter' so much.

When Eve had met Arthur's family she was trembling. Arthur had to literally drag her to the door of his parents' house. The minute his mother Nicole opened the door she pulled Eve into a bear hug almost choking the girl half to death.

Eve was worried about them not welcoming her into their family. She saw the woman cared about her like she was her own daughter. Arthur's dad never left Eve's side. They talk about everything from other family members to sports and even food, Alan's favorite topic.

Arthur's siblings Corey and Elizabeth admired Eve. They laugh and joke about Arthur and she heard some very interesting stories about Arthur and Travis's younger days. She couldn't help but feel right at home. They didn't look at her funny or bring up her pass which she was thankful for. She knew that day that she had a new family.

"Alright ladies we have a wedding to get to. The groom is shitting brinks" Nicole said. 

Eve laugh to herself because she could only imagine how Arthur look right now.

"Oh my goodness, you look like Cinderella. You're Prince Charming is waiting for you at the altar" Nicole cooed as she pulled Eve into another one of her bear hugs.

"Um mama bear I won't make it down the aisle if you don't let good" Eve managed to say under the tight embrace. The woman didn't know her own strength.

"I'm sorry" she said sheepishly.

"Alright let's get this thing on the way. I want to go eat my happiness away. Baby and mommy is hungry and y'all don't want to see me upset" Tati lectured to everyone.

Yes Tati was a beautiful seven months and carrying a baby boy. She glowed in her soft pink dress even more.
Everyone lined up and the first one to walk down was the two best men. Arthur couldn't decide who to choose so he chose both Travis and Corey 

Travis walk down with Tati, Eve's maid of honor. 
Eve started to panic because everyone will be walking down with someone except her. Times like this she wish her mom and dad were still alive to see their daughter walk down the aisle.

"Dad" Eve said in a hush tone.

"Yes Eve, what's wrong" he frowned.

"Can you walk me down the aisle, please" she begged.

"Of course anything for my daughter" smiled.

He told his wife he'll be walking Eve so Nicole walks down with Corey and his wife. After all the bridesmaids and men walk down everyone raised as the music played for Eve to walk down the aisle.

She took a deep breath and snaked her arm under Alan's arm and he kissed her on her forehead. 

She walked down and saw her prince waiting for her with happy Coco by his side. Arthur couldn't take his eyes off Eve as she walk down. All the nerves he was feeling a couple of minutes ago were gone the minute he laid his eyes on his baby girl. She smiled weakly at him and he returned the smile to her. 
By the time she got to the altar she had a couple of tears rolling down her cheek. 

He took her hands in his and kisses the top of them as his eyes met hers.

"You all may be seated" the pastor said 
"Arthur and Eve has written up their own vowels; Arthur you can start".

Arthur look at his brother Corey and Travis, of course neither of them had Arthur's paper that has his vowels but he made sure he had his own just in case. 

The people in the church laughed as Arthur pulled out the paper from inside his pocket of his suit and began.

"Eve I remember the first time I saw you cry I know I didn't want to be the man to ever make you cry. Whenever I see you smile I truly see how happy you are. Every night I ask the big guy up there if it's really true that I could fall in love with such a strong beautiful woman. No matter how many times we argue and fight at the end of the day I will always love you. Nothing can change how I feel now, as I watch you walk down the aisle I realized I'm a lucky man. You make living life so much easier and I just want to say thank you for letting me into your heart. We have finally washed all your dirty laundry and put them away". 

Eve took her hand and rubs the tear that was falling down Arthur's cheek. He never was the one to show his emotions especially in front of all of these people but he didn't care because he was showing how he felt about Eve.

Eve pulled out her written vowels from inside her dress. She smiled at everyone embarrassed, but they laugh like it was nothing.

"My mom always said people come into your life for a reason and a purpose. I never knew what she meant till I met you, Arthur Wilson. You took me in to protect me and ever since then I realize I need you for so much more. Arthur you look pass all my shi.. stuff and loved me anyways. You could ask Tati, I always denied my feelings towards you because I was scared".

“She really did, at one point I had to beat some sense into her" Tati interrupted and everyone laugh at the outburst.

"Anyways I finally stop running from my emotions and face them. When I told you I loved you I really did and I do. I love you because you're my knight and shining armor, my Artie, best friend and most importantly my now husband. Arthur you really made me the happiest girl alive".

Eve took the tissue Elizabeth gave her and dried the tears. She had promise herself she wouldn't cry but it's hard when the man of her dreams was standing right in front of her.

"Now is there anyone in this place see that these two aren't fit to be husband and wife speak now or forever hold your peace" the priest said.

Tati step from the line and walk over to Eve and they watch to see if anyone was going to say anything. The whole church laugh as the two watch if someone would say anything. After a few more seconds nobody said anything Tati returned where she was and Eve face Arthur.

"Now do you Eve take Arthur to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love through sickness and in wealth for richer or poor for as long as you too shall live".

"I do" Eve said smiling at Arthur.

"Do you Arthur take Eve to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love through sickness and in wealth for richer or poor for as long as you too shall live".

"I do" Arthur smiled.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride".

Arthur leaned in and kissed Eve. Both their mouths moved in sync as they kiss each other. Nothing could ruin their happy ending.

"I love you baby girl, always and forever" he said kissing her neck.

"Will you love the both of us" she said as tears started to fall.

“Huh” Arthur looked confused.

"I'm pregnant Artie".

Arthur gave her his all American boy smile, the same smile that won her heart.

"Of course baby girl, of course" giving her a peck. Eve was happy and so is Arthur, with that they made their way down the aisle hand in hand with everyone cheering and screaming congratulation.

And that’s all folks. I would like to everyone who read, commented and voted including all the silent readers. My first finish book on here and I am so proud. Thank you guys so much, I couldn’t have done it with yall. It means so much to me.

But be on the lookout for my next book And I Promise

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