Chapter 1 ~ New house. New beginnings

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Chapter 1 ~ New house. New beginnings

I looked back at my neighbourhood once more as we drove out of this little town i grew up in for the last time.

My mum had got a new job at this place called Philadelphia so we all had to move and sell the house.

I had never even heard of the town but when i searched it up online it looked okay. I then started to drift off to sleep.

I woke up 5 hours later to my brother Anthony screaming.

"What is wrong with you Anthony?!"

"Maybe look out the window and you'll see." He replied.

I turned around and gazed out the window , there were houses all the way down this long straight street and they all had bars on their windows and doors.

I guess this is philadelphia I thought to myself as We pulled into our driveway... And this is my new house.

I rush inside looking for my bedroom, the only good thing about this house is the staircase. I can push my brother down it when he gets annoying.

I walk into the room that faces the road. "Perfect" I say out loud to nobody in particular it is huge

and has a big wardrobe.

I look out my window and there standing right in the middle of my view is a huge hospital type


Then I see the sign "Philadelphia Psychiatric Hospi" the rest of hospital has been graffited by somebody. We all know what old abandoned mental hospitals mean, Haunted houses...

The next day I got up and got ready for school. Today would be my first day At crenshaw heights. Mum took me to school in the car as it was on the other side of town. I jumped out of the car and went into the office. I walked up to the office lady and said

"Hello I am a new student here at your school. My name is Melissa reed and I need my timetable for my classes."

"Oh hello Melissa I have been expecting you" she said as she handed me my timetable

"You have maths with Mr Quinn right now which is in room 21 , I hope you have a good day & welcome to Crenshaw heights" she said with a wink.

I had no idea how I was going to find my room until a friendly looking guy came walking down the corridor and was looking for his locker. I smiled and walked over to him.

"Hey i'm new here my name is Melissa"

"Nice to meet you i'm Louis"

"You too , do you have any idea where room 21 would be? I have maths and it started twenty minutes ago"He just laughed for a while and then said

"Oh your a senior, I didn't know .. Yea umm maths with Mr Quinn thats my class too, i left my calculator in my locker and had to come out and get it".

"Oh haha well its good i know someone at this school, and they're in my math class! What a start."

"Well lets just say this school has some pretty weird people". We then walked in silence to class.

I knocked on the door, Mr Quinn opened the door.

"Oh hello you must be the new student. I have been expecting you, take a seat here next too Cassandra.

" He pointed vaguely at a girl with long long blonde hair sitting beside the window gazing out at the empty deserted field.

"Wow does this school not have a p.e class" i asked as i sat down.

"No we don't we have classes that you wouldn't have had at your old school." Cassie replied then turned around and smiled at me, "don't worry, i can tell you coming to our town was a good thing"

I smiled uneasily at her "okay haha not really sure what you mean but okay"

She just looked out the window and said "oh you will know soon".

I spent the day with Louis and Cassie. Everyone else was weird and gloomy,it seemed like something bad had happened to the town and everyone was still grieving. I was pleased that Cassie and Louis weren't like the others.

Later that night Cassie rung me up and said after school she wanted to meet up with me and Louis because they both had something to tell me.

She said we would meet at a cafe in town called Haunt Cafe. I was hoping it would explain what was going on in this town.

Obviously mum and dad did not notice as they were acting like it was the best town ever. Maybe its because they are getting paid more at work or something. I'm not sure but there is something definitely up.


First chapter done! How's it looking? Please comment it'll mean a lot to me!

Thanks Brandi x x x

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