not niall but... zayn?!?!?

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*After they get back from tour*

Niall’s POV-

  I walked up to rikki’s door. apparently we are having a movie night with zayn, louis, liam, harry, and Allyson. I really hope Zayn doesn’t pick the movie, he always picks really scary ones... then again he is better than liam who always picks toy story. i walked in to see Liam and Louis on the floor, zayn, harry, and Allyson on the left couch and rikki on the right couch alone. aww my poor rikki, all alone. well i’ll fix that. i ran up and jumped onto the couch next to her.

“hey!!!! what are you doing?!?!?” Rikki shouted

“this is brand new” i heard zayn and louis chuckle.

“Sorry” i said sheepishly.

“Niall you forgot to shut the door!” Allyson yelled.. oops

“i got it.” liam sighed as he got up and walked to the door

“so who is going to pick the movie?” Harry questioned

“Oh Oh i know, we can watch pitch perfect” allyson shouted

“Nooo we have seen that like 10000 times” me and the guys complained.

“To bad” rikki said jumping up to put in the disc.


Almost two hours and like a bajillion acapella songs later the movie was done and people were starting to go home.

“Okay so who is giving me a ride home?” ally questioned

“I got it. later guys” liam said grabbing his keys

“bye rikki and others” Ally said then walked out the door with liam.

“can i stay?” zayn asked

“Sure” rikki said

seriously?! she would just let another guy stay in her house without her boyfriend? and she didn't even ask my permission she just did it!!!

“Rikki can i talk to yeh outside real quick?”

“i guess?” she said confused

After we were outside and out of earshot she just kinda shrugged at me “Whats going on?”

“why are you letting zayn stay the night? ALONE. with only you! seriously?! did you forget i was your boyfriend!” i yelled.

“I figured you would be okay with it... after all he is your friend and its not like i would hook up with one of your band mates!” she shouted back

“that doesn’t mean you let them stay the night at your house! do you even have a guest bedroom? NO. where would he be sleeping? in your bed!”

“I was just going to have him sleep on the couch!” she shouted “And what does it matter if he did sleep on my bed we wouldn't be doing anything.”

“Whatever” i shouted as i started to walk away “i guess this relationship doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me”

“Are we breaking up?”

“Ask me that again in a few days. right now i just have ta get out of here” i huffed

“OH MY GOSH! are you seriously mad that zayn is staying the night! we are just friends! it’s not like i love him and it’s not like he loves me!” Rikki shot back as i was walking away. i stopped dead in my tracks. she did not just say that.

“you think zayn doesn't love you?” i shouted as i slammed my car door

that girl is so naive i mean zayn is obviously head over heals for her. and she is just letting him stay at her house!!! whatever, its not like he would try anything... would he?

Rikki’s Pov-

  i can’t believe niall is mad just because zayn wants to stay the freaking night! i turned around to see zayn looking out the window. when he saw me he ducked quickly. i walked to the door and pretended to not see him. when i opened the door i saw him laying on the couch watching sponge bob.

“i’ll be out in a few” i mumbled.

i knew what i was about to do was wrong but i really couldn't  help it, i didn't know what else to do. i walked down the back hall to my room and locked the door. i went right to the box under my bed and pulled out my blade. i hesitated a moment thinking of how wrong what i was about to do was but the sadness and anger pushed that feeling away.

slowly i dragged the blade across my skin. the feeling was so familiar, so calming. it was hard to remember why i even tried to stop.

all of the sudden i heard a knock on the door “Rikki i know what you're doing and i want you to stop”

“Leave me alone” i sobbed

“Not until you open this door” he said

“i said leave me alone!” i cried

“don’t make me open this door”

“i locked it you can’t come in”

“i have my ways.” i heard footsteps and figured he gave up so i continued what i was doing before he disturbed.

i sliced my skin one more time before i saw the door handle jiggle. what? then the door opened. zayn was standing there with one of my bobby pins.

“i told you i have my ways” he said before picking me up and putting me on the kitchen sink.

“what are you doing?” i said in between sniffs.

“cleaning you up wheres your bandages?”

“underneath the sink.” i said lifting my feet so he could get to them. he grabbed the bandages and then wrapped it around my arm, enough to hide the new scars on my body.

“Listen to me rikki, you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, stop stop doing this to yourself” zayn whispered in my ear

“You think i'm beautiful?” i asked almost in a whisper due to his closeness... dang this man smells good...

“I do” he whispered smiling “And i‘ll prove it”


“Like this” he said and before i could even think he was kissing me, and i liked it. it wasn't like nialls kiss. this one was more passionate somehow.

he pulled away.

“You kissed back” he said

i just blushed... i guess i like zayn more than i thought i did.

A/N- HEYYY we are back!! hope you guys like this chapter!! how was your guys summer??  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2013 ⏰

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