I am going anyway

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“well... i just got off the phone with my mom and she said no. But i don’t care, legally i am 18 and i can do whatever i want. and i want to stay here with you, travel with you, and tour with you.” i stated firmly.

“Well, i mean areh yeh sure, i dont want to get in between yeh and yer mom.” Niall said in an uncomfortable voice.

“Oh trust me we haven’t been getting along for a long time, you didn’t change that.” i stated pointing to the scars on my hip.

“Then it is settled Rikki is coming with us, and if ally wants she can come too. We have a tutor and everything with us so you can keep up with your studies.” Liam said excitedly “yay finally someone new, those guys get so boring and we never get new people to hang out with.”

“Well i guess we are going on tour with you” Ally and i said excitedly.


After hearing me sing, zayn made me audition for the boys vocal people and they decided that if i wanted to i could go on tour and just sing like back up and stuff for them. i sang Ed Sheeran’s song “cold coffee”. I think i did ok.

At first i was nervous but now i am glad i tried i mean i get to see the boys everyday and i get to live out one of my dreams.

“that was really good!!” ally said.

“yes it was” the vocal person said

“really?” i was surprised. i was good?

“If you wanted too we would sign you, but zayn has informed us that is not in your plans, but you were really good so if you just want to do a duet with one of the boys for a song or sing back up or anything that would be great. you could even tour with them.”

“ will i be touring with them to? i mean i am a great dancer!” ally says while doing retarded dances.

“can you sing?” the vocaler said

“i think so.”

“sing a one direction song.”

“ok”  allyson sang her favorite song “i would”, just a little cheesy ally but anyway she is a really good singer.

“you can go on tour you are an amazing singer.”

“YAY YAY YAY YAY” allyson was jumping up and down like a maniac.

“Hey Rikki can i talk teh yeh for a sec?” I heard an irish accent say from behind me.

“What's wrong Nialler?”

“Well I know yeh want teh go on tour with us but uhh what about yer mum? Don't yeh have teh check with her?”

“Niall i have not had a real conversation with my mom in over a year, if it would make you feel better i can call her but even if she says no i am still going,”

“Thats fine its yer life i just want teh make sure yer mom knows where yeh are.”

“Thanks niall for understanding and all, it means alot to me” i said leaning up to give him a kiss. I called my mom right after that.


“hi mom its me i was just wondering.....”

“what? just tell me i don't have time to play your guessing games”

“can i go on tour with one direction?” i said that so fast i barely knew what i said.

“what?! oh my god could you talk a little faster!”

“can i go on tour with one direction?”

“well i have to think about it. and it would take forever so for now just guess that it will be a no”

“mom i need an answer soon.”

“like how soon because i might be willing to let you go next year ”


“no you're only 18 i am your mother and i say you can't go”

“why not?”

“like i already said you are too young”


She can be mad at me forever i don't care but i am going to live my life and she can't stop me. my life is my life only and she needs to understand she can't control it forever.


I can not believe Rikki’s mom said no. Well you know what actually i can believe it i just don't understand it. Rikki is an eighteen year old girl and if she wants to live out her dreams her mom should support her not tell her no. Rikki is an amazing person and she doesn't deserve that for a mother.

My mom on the other hand was all for me leaving for six months she was so excited when i told her. I think she is already packing my bags.

I still can't believe i am going with them. Obviously my amazing dance moves didn't get me there but they actually thought i could sing. Me Allyson Weisbrod can sing. I was so excited when they told me i could go with i practically crushed Liam. (Hey don't judge me he was the closest one to me and i had to hug someone.

And do you want to know the best part about this whole thing?? They will be touring with AUSTIN MAHONE!!!!! He is like my favorite singer ever apart from one direction. I have been making everyone listen to him nonstop since i first heard his beautiful voice. And now guess what I GET TO MEET HIM!!!! Okay Ally you need to calm down you are having a total fan girl moment, i told myself after a minute.

Even after telling myself to calm down all I could think about was what if we fall in love and get married and have perfect little angel babies and everyone is jealous of us because we are amazing and our kids sing like angels.

But that will never happen. He is Austin Mahone crazy famous superstar and i am Allyson Weisbrod boring girl from South Carolina. But hey look who is talking, my best friend is currently sucking on Niall Horan’s face.

All of the sudden i was being picked up and carried to who knows where. “Put me down before i bite off your fingers!!!” i demanded but couldn't help but laugh at that last part.

“Okay” I heard whoever picked me up say. “Oh my freaking god harry you scared the shit out of me!!!!” i shouted at harry who had just obediently set me down. “What were you thinking i could have like died or something of a heart attack!!

“Ally you wouldn’t have died of a heart attack you are seventeen.” zayn stated simply.

“whatever, but would you mind explaining why you guys kidnapped me in the first place.

“well Considering you were standing there alone and we wanted to say congratulations on your new job status now seemed like the perfect time.” Louis explained like it was no big deal they just randomly decided to come steal me.

“Oh well how about next time you want to say congratulations you just say it instead of trying to scare the shit out of me first??” i stated half serious.

“Aww but where is the fun in that??” Harry asked

“Guys leave the poor girl alone, she should be excited not scared shitless right now.” Liam said defending my honor.

“Thank you Liam for protecting me from these big fat bullies.” i said sticking my tongue out at Zayn Harry and Louis.

“Its fine Ally” he said and as we were walking away from the evil ones he whispered into my ear “We will get them back later, trust me”

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