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"Why would you do that?" I shriek, pulling my hair in agitation. Luke had suddenly decided to tweet about me—without even telling me

"Is it a crime to want to show you off?"

"No, but the things your fans are saying they're going to do to me are!"

"I clearly didn't think this through," Luke mutters, looking down.

"Clearly," I huff, letting out a groan of agitation. Mom had to leave again after two days, and it's like the second she left, this happened. Great.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"I just," I sigh. "You're used to the attention. I'm not."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it through. I just wanted to show you off." He looks at me, his bottom lip quivering slightly. He looks so innocent and vulnerable—not at all how I'd imagined Luke Hemmings would seem as he sits on my bed.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," I mutter, my cheeks flushing as I fight the urge to kiss him. He clearly mistakes my behavior as me being mad at him, and he averts his eyes. "Fuck it," I groan before putting both hands on his face and kissing him.


"Shut up and kiss me," I mumble, leaning over him. He falls back onto my bed, our lips never parting.

"Are we doing this?" His hands move to my hips, his fingers digging into my bare skin as my shirt rides up a bit.

"I'm not that easy," I retort, pulling his bottom lip between my teeth. He chuckles against me, and I smirk, releasing his lip and kissing him again.

"I think I'm deeply in like with you," he whispers, his lips brushing mine.

"The feeling is mutual," I respond, pulling away to look into his blue eyes. They're slightly darkened, and I bite my lip as I realize he's turned on.

He closes his eyes suddenly, his grip on my hips loosening slightly. He lets out a little breath before opening his eyes again.

"What was that?"

"Me attempting to not be a hormonal jerk," he replies, his lips turning up into a smirk.

"Oh," I say simply, blushing at the thought.

"Be sure to tell me when I can be a hormonal—well, I don't want to be a jerk—let's say a hormonal boyfriend," he chuckles, and I blush even more at his words. "You're cute when you blush."

"Oh shut up," I laugh, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"I'm your biggest fan," Luke comments, touching my cheek softly.

"You're my only fan," I respond jokingly.

"Maybe so, but I think I'm fulfilling that role of being the boyfriend who's his girl's biggest fan," he counters, and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Well, you've obsessed over me a bit on Twitter, so I'd say you're doing good."

"Yeah. That wasn't the best thing to do, but I can't say I regret it," he says innocently, making me smile.

"Of course you don't."

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