Aoba's past Life... Return?

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I let Ren come with me to work today, most likely he wanted to just to make sure I'd keep my promise. I smiled at the thought that he gets jealous of people who kiss me. I looked up to Ren as he looked around at all the shops. One that caught my eye was the wedding one. I blushed at the thought of it. Ren wouldn't want to get married. I pushed wedding thoughts out of my mind- at least I tried. I had trouble unlocking the shop, trouble handling the brats like I usually do. My brain was a mess thinking about marriage.

"Aoba, are you alright? You've been stumbling around for fifteen minutes." Ren brought my attention back to reality. I smiled at him and nodded. Am I really that much of an idiot? I sighed and sat down at the desk. A customer walked in and I got my thoughts put together. I looked up and saw Noiz. He glared at me and I felt like I was going to die today.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, placing his hands on the desk. I glared back at him and shrugged. I got up, took out a box and began stacking things on the shelves. I got annoyed when Noiz pulled me away from the shelves and sat me on the desk. Ren sat down in the chair and just watched me struggle against Noiz. He knows I can't win against him and neither can he. I pushed my hands to Noiz's chest and tried pushing him away. He grabbed my hand tightly, cracking them.

"Ow... Noiz, it hurts! Stop!" I yelled at him but he was in his own world. I finally got the gut to kick him when he bit my neck. I kicked his stomach and got up. He seemed like he was annoyed by me when he stood back up. But he was smiling.

My boss walked back in, seeing Noiz and I fighting. I felt pressure build up in me and all I could do was walk out the door; so I did.

I wanted to go home. On my way, I kicked some trash cans into the street. Some people got mad but I ignored them. Since when did I care what strangers thought of me? I walked through some alleys but finally found myself in a Rhyme match. As usual, I didn't need an Allmate for this. Just my power.

"HAHAHAH!! You don't have an Allmate? You'll never win!" My opponent laughed. I sat down and let him attack several times. Each time it only damaged me very little. Finally when I stood up, I smiled. I said a few words and finally attacked, breaking his mind. Practically dead. Won't be getting up for a LONG time.

"Aoba! There you are! We've been looking for you! Noiz also wants to say sorry." I saw Noiz behind Ren and my boss was there. I glared at them all and turned around.

"I don't need no apology from anyone. Its in the past and this is who I am." I pointed to the man on the ground. Everyone gasped.

"He was my brother! You did this to him!!!" Another man jumped out of nowhere. I dodged the single attack. I let him hit the wall. I turned and found that he was crying.

"Dumbass. Hey, why do you care so much about family?" I asked, not quite understanding his sadness. I glared at him as he caught his breath. I sighed and sat next to him. I put a hand on his shoulder and let him lean on me. "... My brother died too. All because of 'me'. I broke him but its what he wanted. You don't know but maybe your brother wanted to be destroyed." I said trying to comfort him. Ren stared at me.

"He was all I had left. the only family." The guy sobbed. I ignored the sobs and continued talking.

"Not quite correct. Aren't you in a gang? Them guys are like family. And your friends are like family." I placed a hand on his head, making him look at me. "And further more, you might not know it but you could have relatives that you don't know but they know you." I winked at him and stood up.

"What?" Was all he could say before going silent. His crying stopped and he got everything together. I breathed in and walked away.

From that day on, I didn't want to destroy anyone again. I made myself a promise.

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