Aoba's Injury

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As time still went on, Ren and I got a new home. It was larger and a bit farther than where we wanted. Other than that, it was our home and we were happy. I might've been overwhelmed because I hadn't been eating well, my anxiety has been a bigger problem and I didn't have the willpower to climb up the stairs so I've been sleeping on the sofa. Ren didn't seem to notice my drowsiness. At least I thought.

"Aoba, are you alright? You've been acting strange lately." Ren mentioned and hugged me. I looked away from him and placed a hand on his head. I then looked down with a saddened look.

"I'm alright. I just need to get used to this, I guess." It might've been that Ren wasn't worried because he's been with me his whole life and as long as he's with me, he's sane. Me, I've lived with grams all my life so this is new. I pushed my head to Rens chest. I looked up at him, laughing.

"What's so funny?" I turned and picked up car keys and headed out the door pulling Ren along.

"You're going shopping with me." I pushed him in the passengers seat and I got in the drivers. I don't exactly know how to drive but it shouldn't be that hard. Ren's the one that usually drives but I want to today. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway. I felt my palms sweating and I held onto the steering wheel tighter.

"Oh my God! Its Aoba!" I heard someone yell randomly. I froze in my spot as I got out of the car. I looked around to find Ren standing next to me. I looked over at a few girls running our way. Ren didn't seem too impressed.

"You slept with Koujaku before, right?" One of them randomly asked and I felt my face heat up. I slowly nodded, looking at Ren and he gave the girls a glare. He grabbed my arm, closed the car door and, walking fast, walked into the store. I also slept with him so what's his problem? Well... I did know Koujaku a long time so maybe that's it.

"Ren you don't have to be mad about it. I'm with you. That's all that matters. I'm not going anywhere unless you're with me." I reassured him. The girls weren't that far behind and they tugged on my hair, wanting me to answer them.

"Don't run off, you hoe. I want you to answer us." One with red hair yelled at me. I glared at her. I stayed quiet and she gripped my hair tighter. I groaned in pain. I felt pain in my shoulder because on of them touched my shoulder; I keep long sleeves on now because my shoulder isn't healed from when Ren wasn't himself and tore off some of the meat on my shoulder. Ren noticed why it hurt when she touched my shoulder and quickly moved her away.

"Leave Aoba alone." He said calmly. I reached my hand out to the girl and gently grabbed her neck and squeezed. She let go of my hair and I let go of her neck. I took my jacket off and looked at my shoulder. It was lightly bleeding and it still looked bad. They all only stared at it as I put my jacket back on. I groaned one last time and walked away.

"Ren, lets go. I don't want to waste anymore time. We don't have any kind of time to be wasting on them and I need to go get my shoulder bandaged later." I said as I stormed off. Blood began showing through my jacket not long after I put it back on.

"Aoba, your shoulder..." Ren pointed it out. I looked at it and pulled my jacket off again. When I saw it, it was bleeding badly. Ren walked off and I felt pain in my shoulder again. I slipped my jacket on and tried walking to get this day done; no use. Ren came back with an employee. The employee pulled my jacket off and looked at my jacket long and thoroughly. It hurts. Ren held my hand and I squeezed tightly.

"Yeah, its pretty bad. We'll call an ambulance. MARK GET OVER HERE!!" Some time after, a guy named Mark ran over and the first employee told him to get an ambulance. Not long after, I heard sirens. I didn't really want to go but Ren said it was for the best. They got me into the truck but Ren didn't go because I think he wanted to finish up at the store.

"Aoba Seragaki, your shoulder is all bandaged and cleaned. We highly suggest that you let it be for a while and to wear light clothes. Nothing heavy and to use your other arm more." A nurse said and let me out of the hospital.

I walked home to find Ren putting things away. I let myself fall on the sofa and fell asleep.

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