The Wedding

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A week before our wedding, I decided to try on the wedding dress I liked. It was a no sleeve dress, a long train behind it and it had flower designs at the bottom of it. On top of all that, it fit perfectly. I smiled at the mirror while I was looking at myself. That's when I also saw my red shoulder. It wasn't bleeding but it looks terrible. I put my clothes back on, bought the dress and left.

Ren wasn't home because he's looking for his tux so I get the house to myself. I came to conclusion that I'll wrap my shoulder up before the wedding. I put the dress behind everything in the closet and closed it.

When Ren got home, I was sitting on the sofa. He quickly ran up the stairs and put his tux away. Once he got back down the stairs, he sat next to me and we watched a movie.

For the week, I went to work, and continued our life.

On the day of the wedding, no one was home. I was out with a few friends that knew I was a guy but looked more like a girl so I'd get away with a wedding dress. They fixed up my hair, helped me with the dress and some jewelry. I felt awkward but pretty. I laughed to myself.

Once I was at the church, I was scared. I didn't know why but I was nervous.

I let Mio, one of the brats from the shop, be the flower girl. She was wearing a little white dress, small heels and a flower in her hair. I smiled at her. She knew I was a guy but she didn't seem to mind that I wore a dress.

Nao and Kio, her two brothers, I let them be the ring bearers. They both wore matching tux's and combed their hair.

When it was time for me to walk down the aisle, I was slow, shaking and my anxiety was heightening. I looked around and saw Koujaku, Noiz, Clear, Mizuki, Sly, Yoshie, Grams, Haga, Mink, Virus, Trip. Everyone was there. It also made me anxious. I stopped in my tracks and looked at Ren. I soon began walking again, knowing that he was also anxious. The second time I walked, it was a bit faster.

When I was up on the stage, I looked up at him.

"I don't need to marry you to know I love you." I took a deep breath and kept talking. "I'm marrying you because I want to spend the rest of my days with you." I looked over at everyone. They were all crying or had tears in their eyes. "Through all the pain that we been through in the past, I knew that my love for you was real. It still is today." Ren had tears in his eyes at this point. "And I know by now that I don't need to tell you with words, but I'll tell you as many times as I need to. I love you Ren and I want to be with you forever."

Soon after that, the priest walked over. I told him before that I was going to do that so he waited until I was finished talking.

"That my son was just for you. Now Ren, are you sure Aoba is the person you want to marry and spend forever with?" The priest stared at Ren dead in the eye. Ren looked at me and smiled.

"I'm sure that Aoba is the one I want to spend forever with." He said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. The priest also smiled and we carried on with the wedding.

I didn't listen much to the priest because I was looking out at everyone but I knew each word he was saying to us. He was reading from a book. When he said my name, I looked at him then to Ren.

"Do you take Ren to be your husband?" He asked, looking at Ren. I smiled and looked over at everyone. First at Koujaku, Noiz, Clear, Mink, Virus, Trip, Grams, Haga. All of them.

"I do." I said when I looked back at Ren. The priest looked at me and smiled.

"Repeat after me. I, Aoba Seragaki."

"I, Aoba Seragaki."

"Take Ren to be my husband." He repeated words from his book.

"Take Ren to be my husband." I repeated his words.

"Through sickness, happiness and sadness, I will always be there." He read words again.

"Through sickness, happiness and sadness, I will always be there." I repeated him. Ren looked as if he were going to cry. I smiled at him and took his hand.

"You may kiss your bride." He looked at Ren and smiled. Ren pulled me closer, lifted my veil and planted his lips on mine. I felt like the happiest person alive. Ren and I decided to stay for the party afterwards.

Everyone obviously questioned the bandages on my shoulder so I lied and said that I broke it a while back and that the hospital needs it to stay bandaged. Ren and I stayed in the front of the room, mainly because if I walked, people could step on the train of my dress.

"You look lovely, Aoba." Grams walked over and hugged me. I hugged her back, smiling and she gave me a gift. I opened it and took out a couple of mugs. Grams knows Ren and I love tea so I guess that's why. But when I looked at the writing, it said '#1 dad' and '#1 mom.' I blushed and put them back in the box.

"Thanks Grams." I set the gift on a table close to me. Then I realized everyone brought a gift. I sighed at the line. Ren ran over and got me a chair and himself one. I smiled and sat down. I let my friends take care of my veil and the train of my dress.

As the line moved, I saw that most of the gifts were baby wise. I was blushing at each baby gifts when we brought them home. Ren got the point that people were expecting a baby next. I looked to Ren and smiled.

"Looks like aiming for a kid is next on the list." I said with a smile.

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