New Family Members

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After a month of being married to Ren, I found myself actually wanting kids with all of the baby stuff around. I was painting our room a light blue while thinking about this. Ren was painting the kitchen. We decided it would be a light green.

After I finished, it was only noon. I made Ren lunch as he finished up with painting. I kept thinking about kids all the while. I looked over at Ren, was now sitting at the table. He was drinking a soda that I got for him earlier. He then looked at me while I was looking at him. My eyes got wider and I looked away.

"You okay Aoba?" He asked while sipping his soda. I nodded and looked down at what I was doing. I chopped some vegetables and put them in a pan. I mixed some meat into it and some alcohol. Ren stepped behind me and mixed the food. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some fruits. I brought them over to Ren and set them down. I kept looking down at his member because I actually did want kids. He must've noticed because he touched my head.

"Ren... I actually want kids..." I was blushing and he smiled at me. He touched my chest and picked up my head then kissed me.

"Aoba, we can get a girl to have our kid?" He said then I smiled. The only girl I know that would help us is... Samantha (If you want, you can pick a name. I just picked a random name because I didn't have any in mind at the start.). I picked up my bag, held Rens hand and walked out of the house with him.

"We're going to see Samantha. We can ask her." We got in the car. This time I sat in the passengers seat. Ren drove.

Once we made it to her house, I felt nervous. I knocked on the door and she answered.

"Hey Aoba! Nice seeing you both here." She looked at Ren and let  us in. We sat with her at the table.

"Samantha... We would like to ask a huge favor of you." Ren said, holding onto my hand.

"And that would be?" She smiled brightly.

"As you know we're both guys and can't have kids. And we want kids..." I said with an uneasy feeling in my chest.

"We were wondering if you would be willing to maybe..." Ren continued but she interrupted.

"I would love to." She smiled at us and we soon became happy; very happy. I hugged her tightly and she laughed.

I was truly happy. On our way home I couldn't stop thinking about her answer. She actually said yes.

Ren x AobaWhere stories live. Discover now