Chapter 3: Him!

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"Is Shadow." Many thoughts and memories ran across my mind, I wasn't for sure if he would let us stay ,but Alana is in horrible condition plus he is the closest person I know who lives on this street . And plus he can keep quiet about Tails, since he is apart of team Christians . Though I'm slowly regretting every moment of this . Ehh, but here goes nothing.

I walked up to the house slowly so Alana could catch up , we walked up onto the porch and then I looked at Alana and said : "wait here". She nods and I head over to the door and put Tail's body on my other shoulder. I move my hand to ring the door bell but I just stare at the door instead. I really didn't want to do this, I didn't want to tell Shadow that it was me who caused Tail's pain. I know we were barely even friends, me and shadow , and this , this right here could ruin everything.

No what am I thinking, Shadow will understand , he will help us if he can, and Crystal will soon be able to help and everything will be okay. With that cleared in my mind, I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to come answer the door. I looked at Alana and then back at the door and I don't see the door , instead I see a hedgehog with Black and red spines, I looked him up and down for a minute or so. He looked at me like he was waiting for something, and then I realized I was suppose to say something, so I blinked a couple of times and spoke.

"Well you see here Shadow that I've um..." I didn't know what to say actually, I was freaking out . I just drew a blank but I know what happen I knew what I was going to say next but it didn't come out of my mouth. I looked at Shadow and took a deep breath and said "Tails is dead." I waited for Shadow to say something but he just looked at me like it was a joke. I'm carrying tails , tail's body on my shoulder , dead body , and he thinks it is a joke! A joke!

I looked at shadow , rage and anger and sadness filled my mind. Then he saw the look on my face and spoke . "You know Sonic I can't heal him, but Crystal can. " I nodded and said "I know, but we need a place to stay for the night and your house was the closest. " Shadow spoke "who is we?" I turned around and pointed to Alana. Alana did a slight wave and went back to holding her side.
Shadow whispered to me "what happened to her?" I answered "long story."

He nodded and let us in. I carried Tail's body and lay it on the couch and sit down in chair across from the couch. Alana sat down in the chair right next to me. I looked at her surprised , didn't she hate me? I was the one who killed tails . I looked down at the ground trying to recall what happened in the past 2 days. So much, I tried to remember what happen from the time I fell asleep at the castle and the time I killed Tails.

Tears formed in my eyes , I hated this. Why did this have to happen! Why did it happen?! Everything was normal, tails and I were just going to hang out till, till egg man started chasing us. Then it all happened! Why can't that stupid idiot egg man just die, he's been chasing all my friends and family and I all our life, why can't he die! Why can't he?!

Why can't he? Then I felt something pat my back I looked up to see who, it was Alana . I looked at her slightly confused, and then she spoke "you're still my special guest." Still confused I get up and head outside. I do a couple of quick dashes around the yard. And then lie down on the ground and looked at the sky. My eyes feeling heavy I closed them, and fall asleep .

My Best Friend. (Sequel to Sonic and Tails).Where stories live. Discover now