Chapter 23

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(Axel's P.O.V)

I walk into the cow barn to close up for the night. The air in here is off. The cows are still in the pasture, so it's not them. I shrug it off as I grab a feed bucket. I dip the bucket into the feed when something runs from one stall to another. It almost looked to be some sort of shadow.

I fish my phone out of my pocket and call Nick. If anyone knows anything about supernatural beings that didn't belong to this species, it was Nick. I still hate the guy, but what am I supposed to do when Emma trusts him. I don't like the way he looks at her ither.

Three rings and he picks up. "Hello?" his voice was groggy, sounding like he had just gotten up.

"Nick, you 'n your buddies need to get to my cow barn right now." I say with a whisper. "Something is in here."

He groaned into the phone as he shifted. "Okay, we'll be right there." he hangs up.

I put my phone back in my pocket, slowly creeping over to the stall.

I walk some more and notice a strange light in one of the stalls. I open it and when I realize I'm being sucked into the strange light, I shift, dropping the bucket of feed of the cement floor. I let out a howl break out before I'm completely consumed in the light.

(Nick's P.O.V)

"Which barn is the cow barn?" I question in a very confused manner.

I wasn't too pleased to get a call from Axel at eleven at night. The boys and I had just gotten done with a hunt in Austin at six. It was a two hour drive there and back, counting the stop we made at McDonald's for burgers. The Windigo we were hunting wasn't very easy to get. All I wanted to do when we got home was sleep. Thanks to Axel, I only got a few hours in. 

"This one is." Conner states, pointing to the open doors on a barn.

"How do you know?" Parker asks, he's just about as confused as I am.

"I can feel something in there. Not only that, each side of the door has a cow on it." his tone of voice screamed the word obvious.

I mutter a few choice words under my breath. 

"This is why I'm always right 'bout take'n an Angel along." Cameron states. He crosses his arms, proud of himself after a rude awakening I had given him.

"Well, good for you, but we need to find Axel. He said he was in the barn."

I choke on my own spit. "I was the one who said h-" I got cut off as a scream echoes throughout the barn. 

We all run inside the barn to see what was going on.

There Emma was, on the other side of the barn. She was on her knees, crying. There was something strange about the way she was crying, it didn't seem like her.

When I realize the bubble in the middle of the barn, I notice that same black and emerald wolf in it. Axel? I walk to the bubble, allowing my hand to hover around the outside of it.

"Wait, stop!" Conner yells. "Something is off." a noise in the loft proves his point. "Emma, are you alright?"

So, I guess I wasn't alone in the strange feeling.

She looks up. Her eyes aren't the shade of blue they usually are, they look almost black? I see an evil grin in her face. I look at the bottom of the bubble and that's when it hits me. Strange scream, crying, strangeness in the air, this bubble, the black eyes.

"Guys, that ain't Emma." I say reaching for the dagger in my boot. Surely this will be the key to killing it. If not, silver.

Conner then disappears into thin air. I suppose he went to the loft to see if Emma is up there.

Great, now it's just the three of us.

"Who are you?" Parker asks. He walks past Axel, allowing him to be the one who'd be noticed more than the rest of us. Parker always did this. He valued our lives more than his. We were his only family left and he didn't want to see us leave before him.

It laughs. "You already know who I am Parker. In fact, you all do."

I knew who she was. There was only one supernatural creature like her. Courtney, a demonized shape shifter. She was never good at hiding her eye color. It was one thing I learned she couldn't do. Courtney also didn't take the shape of men, no one knows why.

The sound of the bubble popping takes my attention away from Courtney.

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