Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

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Back in December, I entered this book in a contest. I did it all out of fun, no competition. I also thought, hey it's my senior year so why not do this before my chance runs out.

Results came back a couple weeks ago. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. This wonderful book won a silver key award! Highest rank in novel writing and I was the only one at my school who won an award for writing. How cool is that?

I will be receiving my award in March. Can't wait!

Some of you might be wondering if I am publishing. Or you might not. Ither way, I am considering it. Publishing ain't free. It might be if I do most of self-publishing process myself. Trust me, I am determined to do it myself.

I'm working on getting it published as an ebook first sence I've had such great success with readers as a electronic version.

Lost Hope has it's ISBN already. What's left is a last and very thorough edit (there really isn't much to fix as i have gone through it about a million times) and fixing the very messed format from transferring it to docs. Also, a new cover because I can't keep this one when I get to publishing it.

That's all I have on Lost Hope for now. I will post more news as soon as Lost Hope is published.

Lost hope (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now