Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen--
"How was the trip home?" I question Nick with a warm smile as he walks in the door.

"It was fine. It's nice to finally be home. Have you picked up Eliza?" He puts a sweet kiss on my lips and I throw my arms around his neck, looking into his deep brown eyes.

"She's still got another hour." I pull him in for another kiss, my fingers in his hair.

"I could surprise her." He says against my lips, not breaking our connection.

"That'd be awesome. She'd love it. Then can you and I spend time together tonight?" I giggle.

"Of course we can baby." With that, he pulls away from me and smiles. Him and I walk out of the house and to the car. After a brief make out session, Nick and I make our way into the school. Him and I go to the office and the secretary seems to be in her mid twenties.

"Can I help you two?" She asks, looking flirtatiously at Nick. I slide my hand down his arm and link my fingers with his in a protective way.

"Yes. Which room is Eliza Jonas in?" My boyfriend asks her. The woman types up on the computer and then reads something.

"Room 132. Mrs. Kam's class." She looks up from the computer and between the both of us. We nod and go into the hallway, walking to the class.

"She seemed to like what she was seeing." I comment to Nick. He clearly picked up what I was referring to and let out a sigh.

"Mar, can we please not do this right now?" Just as he stops me in the hall and looks at me, a bell rings and kids come running out into the hallway. I felt like I was towering over then as they ran all over the place. Eventually, a spot was cleared and we saw Eliza. Nick caught sight of his daughter and kneeled down, opening his arms to her.

"Daddy!" Eliza screams, running to him. Some of the other kids stare as she makes her way to her father's arms, throwing her arms around his neck. He hugs her tight and I stand there in awe.

"It's time for Eliza to go to lunch." The secretary taps me on the shoulder and fake smiles at me.

"We're going to take her home early. Thank you very much." I reply, slyly grinning at her.

"Alright. I'll make her teacher aware." With that, she struts away in her heels.

"Wanna go home early princess?" Nick asks our daughter, a smile on his face.

"Yay!" She cheers and runs to where her backpack is kept. Nick stands up and can see the worry on my face.

"She doesn't compare to you." He puts his arm around my waist and whispers in my ear. I look at him and smile, wanting to kiss him so bad. Eliza comes and runs up to us, her backpack bouncing on her shoulders. Nick picks her up and we all head out to the car.

"Let's get ice cream!" Eliza squeals as we pass an ice cream parlor. Nick looks over at me and smirks. I roll my eyes and nod. He pulls into the parking lot, our daughter trying to get out of her car seat before the vehicle even stops.

"Hang on baby girl." I chuckle and get out of the car to grab her.

"Mommy is going to wait outside the door, okay baby?" I wash my hands in the public restroom as Eliza is in a stall.

"Okay mama. Don't leave me."

"I won't." I laugh and go outside the door, leaning against the wall. Nick comes out of the Men's restroom, his hands in his pockets.

"She still in there?" He asks and I nod. He leans in for a kiss, and I can't help but to lean into him. Our lips connect and he bites my bottom lip.

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