The accident

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"I know mom and I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" You yell at the top of your lungs rolling your eyes "don't roll your eyes at me young lady, your father is working hard enough at the shop, I am doing so much overtime at work and you want to go out and run havoc!" Your small 12 year old body shook with rage, even at a young age you were very rebellious and stood up for what you believed in "mom! I said sorry and-" your mother cut you off getting more mad by the second "I know what you said but I'm trying to get it threw your head {Y/N}-" you also cut her off "you don't need to get it threw my head!-"
You both kept cutting each other off, spitting at each other with angry words




(Outside the crash scene)

"Oh my god! Somebody call 911!"

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There's been a car crash! It is two females one looks like in her late 30's maybe early 40's and a younger female maybe 10 or 11, please hurry! The elder female is loosing too much blood and the younger is unconscious with major injuries!"

"An ambulance is on its way ma'am, please do anything you can to stop the bleeding with the elder female"

"Thank you!"

(Ambulance at the scene)

"We need more blood here!" A male yelled
"Blood type?!" Another male yelled
"B type!"

"We have a metal pole going threw her leg, a big gash from her lower to her upper chest and a really deep cut on the side of her face that needs severe stitching!"

"Did we get a heartbeat?!"
"Ugh! No not yet! still waiting on that B type!!"

"Has anybody identified any nearby relatives?!"
"Yes the father/husband! Blind man though, works at a noodle shop only a few blocks up the road, no doubt that was their next location"
"I want him contacted and brought to the hospital! Move both females into the van, lets go!"

(Later at the hospital)

"Dr. V?"
"This is Mr. Murakami, both the father and husband"
"Thanks you David, I'll take it from here"

"Mr. Murakami, I assume my partner informed you of the incident?"
"Yes he has, may I please see how my wife and daughter are doing?"
"Before I let you in Mr. Murakami I need to inform you about both your wife and daughter"
"Your wife has very major injuries from her head and stomachs area, she was loosing a lot of blood and we are doing everything we can to keep her stable"
"A-and my daughter...?"
"......she does very..."
"Please just tell me."
"Her left leg is broken, caused by a metal pole going threw it, moving and cracking the bone, she had took a major blow to the head, she will have scarring on her chest.......we have not been able to wake her up yet, but we are doing everything we can"
"May I see her, my daughter?"
"Yes of course."

(Later in the evening)

"Mr. Murakami?"
".....I am very sad to say that, we have lost your wife, she had lost too much blood.....I'm sorry"
"...I...a-and what of my D-daughter?"
"She is stabled and will make a full recovery, but I don't know how long she will be asleep"
"What do you mean?"
"She is in a coma could take years before she wakes up, but rest assure that we will not take her off the monitors unless you say so"
"Thank you sir, if you do not mind I will be going now"
"Of course, I will send someone to take you home, have a good night Mr. Murakami"


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